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вторник, 4 января 2011 г.

The Refrigerator-our the friend

refrigerator the Refrigerator — our friend and to concern it it is necessary with tenderness and attention of its possibilities.

Here some the important rules:

- do not load a refrigerator excessively, in it circulation of cold air, so, and correct cooling of projects can be broken;

- Do not store in a refrigerator food in aluminium ware or in отрытых cans (products need to be shifted in porcelain or glasswares and to close);

- Do not put in a refrigerator hot food, at first cool it to a room temperature;

- It is not necessary to store products and food open, especially what possess a specific smell (a herring, salads etc.). Pack them into polyethylene or a foil and place far away from dairy products which quickly absorb extraneous smells;

- Store products in a deep-freezer in polyethylene packing or in a foil.

Optimum temperature of storage of products неодинакова. For sour cream and cottage cheese this range from 0 to 4 °, for cheese and mayonnaise — 8-12 °. And here the temperature more low +10 ° is counter-indicative to bananas. At such temperature they blacken and become soft.

Under the freezing chamber or about it the temperature nearby 0 ° usually remains, therefore place here the cooled products, not breaking their packing. Salty both sour products and mineral water store on the bottom regiments, crude meat — in the ceramic or enameled ware, having covered from above a gauze or a paper (that has not choked). Fish cooled which you are going to prepare quickly, it is better выпотрошить and to place on the top shelf of a refrigerator. And here the frozen store only in a deep-freezer and in the packed kind. Vegetables well remain in the bottom box, under glass. Berries place in лоточке in one layer and cover with a gauze.

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