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вторник, 11 января 2011 г.

Сиченики (3 recipes)

сиченики 1 recipe) Сиченики "Amateur". Meat to pass through a meat grinder, to connect with рубленым garlic, salt, pepper, water, it is good to beat out. To form flat cakes, on everyone to put an omelette slice, and on it to put the roasted onions, cautiously to curtail рулетиками, запанировать in crackers and to fry in hot fan. On a garnish to submit a fried potato, salty cucumbers, green peas.

500г beef

0,5 glasses of water

4 segments of garlic

1-2 bulbs

3 items of l. Fat

2 items of l. Breadcrumbs


black ground pepper

the Omelette: 2 eggs

1,5 items of l. Milk

2,5 items of l. A butter

salt,   pepper

2 recipe) Сиченики with a stuffing from a potato. to Pass meat through a meat grinder with internal fat, an onions, roll pulp. To add a yolk, it is a little water, to pepper, salt and it is good вымешать. To boil a potato in salty water, to clear and wipe through a colander. The prepared mincemeat to spread out as корж, in the middle to put a potato mixed with grated carrots and, having connected edges коржа to shift it on a frying pan in boiling oil. To fry on big fire, not covering. In the end жарения сиченик to strew a flour and to add sour cream. With a buckwheat cereal welded with fresh fat on water, сиченик prepares as.

400г pork

100г internal fat

1 bulb

1 egg

100г roll pulp

200г a potato

100г carrots

15г torments

100г sour creams

salt, ground pepper

3 recipe) Meat crush, connect to the fried eggs slightly roasted with an onions, salt and pepper, well knead, form in a kind биточков, moisten in egg, панируют in crackers and fry to readiness. Submit with mashed potatoes or other garnish.

beef 150г

egg 1 pieces

onions napiform 30г

crackers 10г

fat 10г

pepper, salt

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