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четверг, 6 января 2011 г.

How to choose gifts

hspace We wish to give "gift" to those whom we love, the best gifts, but in our rapid life often we hasten to get rid of this problem somewhat quicker. And after all the gift choice can and not to be a tiresome duty. The gift should give pleasure and to the one to whom it intends, and the one who gives it. Here some councils how to make it:

TRY, THAT the GIFT HAD SPECIAL SENSE FOR THIS PURPOSE WHO WILL receive IT. At a choice of gifts wonder, that will be important and valuable to the one to whom this gift intends. Find out and try to find that would be desirable the person, is already will be for it a gift.


it is necessary to listen to casual remarks of relatives within a year. One woman had a note book where it brought thoughts concerning gifts which were born at it during conversations in a family. At it in a family was habitual to hear: «Mums as you have guessed, that I just about it I dreamt!»

WASTE TIME OR SHOW the INGENUITY. The gift which reflects your desire to give pleasure, will be estimated above, than the most expensive jeweller ornament.

ROAD the SPOON By the DINNER. To congratulate the relatives it is necessary in Day of their birth. Even if you are very occupied, to lift the receiver and call or send something by mail by this day enough.

DO NOT WAIT for the SPECIAL CASE. The unexpected gift is possibility to please friends and relatives even in usual day. It can be a jar деликатесных canned food or a pie-ice-cream.

when the loved one enters a new stage of the life, an unexpected gift can give it the big support.

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