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суббота, 8 января 2011 г.

Exercise №2 - "Imagination"


Let's talk now about our imagination, about ability to dream, and how our imagination can sometimes help to understand to us something new.

So, it will be freak of the imagination, flight of your imagination!

I Remind, that, having seen dots, you can stop better to realise, understand and feel read, and then to continue to read further.

Many girls in the childhood dreamt to be the princess or to become the queen...

Some and now, dressing an elegant dress, can plunge into the dreams and to feel the queen...

And you too are able to do it, and to present yourselves this image... A beautiful dress, graceful rings, a crown, a smart throne...

After all women like to dream, and possess such rich imagination, and can create such bright images and pictures!

Sit down in the armchair or on a chair so that the back became equal...

Take away shoulders back as if wish to keep between shovels a large emerald...

Breast forward, a stomach to involve!

Raise a chin, smile...

Such position of a body gives to a self-trust!

Feel very free!

Feel the queen!

Now, if it is required, can correct the position that it is better to present itself on a throne in the throne hall... In an environment of truly yours people...

There very beautifully and solemnly!

There candles can burn, sound music, there can be your retinue, expecting your orders.

And each of the present looks at you with admiration and fidelity...

Also tries to catch each your eye, each your movement and tries to catch each your thought and to hear each your word, there and then to rush to grant any your desire!

Certainly, the queen should look adequately to the position!

Bearing regal, a smile hardly indulgent, hardly haughtily, but at the same time, kind and wise, a head it is proud it is lifted!

All should see in it the favourite sovereign for whom they are ready not deliberating to rush in fire and in water!

You very kind queen also wish the subordinates only good!

And they very much love you!...

Also it is possible even to close for a minute of an eye that it is better to feel all gushed sensations and emotions...

If all of you have made correctly now you feel the present queen, both your body and your subconsciousness will remember all your sensations and will help you to test this condition again.

I wish you all good your Majesty!

the Author: Zhelonkin Andrey Vladimirovich

e-mail: napishisuda1@mail. ru

Site: http://zhelonkinav. narod. ru

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