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воскресенье, 9 января 2011 г.

The National Prize in the field of professional cosmetology 2009


In September 2009 in Sochi there will pass delivery solemn ceremony the National Prize in the field of professional cosmetology

For the first time the leading noncommercial organisations of branch found the National Prize in the field of the professional cosmetology, called to allocate the best enterprises of the industry of beauty, promoting that to strengthening and development of their business.

Project nominations

«A national Prize in the field of professional cosmetology 2009»:

«For the professional approach to antiage therapy»

«For the professional approach to figure correction»

«For innovations and introduction of new technologies in cosmetology»

«For the best control system of cosmetology business»

The structure of the Board of guardians of the project included heads of committee on public health services of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Росздравнадзора the Russian Federation, leading experts and practice of the industry of beauty.

Solemn ceremony of delivery of the National Prize in the field of professional cosmetology - 2009 and a banquet in honour of winners of a prize will pass in of Sochi on September, 26th in «Маринс Park Hotel».

More detailed information can be received on an official site of the project www. priz. kracota. com

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