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среда, 5 января 2011 г.

The Allergy can pass with the years


the Diagnosis the allergy is not lifelong.

The American scientists have carried out research in which result it was found out, that, for example, the allergy on nuts can completely pass in due course. Researchers have made this conclusion on the basis of supervision over 278 children and teenagers at the age from 3 to 21 years. But, of course, to leave the child without medical aid in hope, that the allergy will disappear, in no event it is impossible, especially when it is shown by the painful skin itch exhausting both the child, and parents. To subject to its such sufferings not only there is no sense, but also is unhealthy, after all today in medical practice already there are means which are ready to help with such situation even to the child of early age, for example, drops Фенистил resolved to application for children since 1 month. As, according to scientists, hope that in due course it will be possible to forget about an allergy, concerns only those cases when at the child sensitivity only to one kind of nuts is raised, for example, to almonds. When the allergy is caused at once by some kinds of nuts the probability of such favorable variant of events considerably decreases.

The information is given by Svetlana Bogaudinovoj, the representative of Department on work from mass-media "PR-Premier" Mix-Marketing Communications Group.

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