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суббота, 15 января 2011 г.

The French plaits

the french plait the FRENCH PLAIT LAID In the form of ОБРУЧА 

        If you have learnt to do the French plait easily will cope with this model in which the French plait is laid over a head in the form of a hoop. Such hairdress ideally approaches for a curly hair which curly falls beautifully stream on shoulders. And nbsp;

        MATERIALS: the fitted elastic band, шпильки 

        PERFORMANCE: to Make a hair parting across the top part of a head from an ear to an ear. To fix clips hair not participating in work. To collect all hair from a forward part of a head on one party, to comb a brush, beginning from the left ear, then on top of a head and to the right ear and further on all length of hair. To start to do the French plait from the left ear and to continue in a cross-section direction by the top part of a head to the right ear. From the right ear to do a simple plait on all length of hair and to fix its end the fitted elastic band. To lay a simple plait on head top near to the French plait. To tuck in the ends of a simple plait under French and to fix hairpins. To weaken a forward plait a hairbrush with the long thin handle. Hair behind a hoop from plaits slightly to comb for volume creation. And nbsp;

        the PLAIT FISH ХВОСТ 

        the Beautiful poured fish tail, or a cone, is perfectly looked on direct dense and brilliant hair. The given way of weaving of a plait provides light reflexion in all directions, creating effect of light. For solemn occasions it is possible to decorate a hairdress with pastes (are on sale in bags in shops). Them paste to hairpins and have in any order on all length of a plait. And nbsp;

        MATERIALS: the fitted elastic band, an ornament for волос 

        PERFORMANCE to Comb all hair back. To start weaving to separate two thin locks of the hair, one from the left temple and one from the right. Each lock should be thickness about 2,5 see Working on the back party of a head, to cross locks-right over the left. Holding locks the right hand and pressing them to a head to grasp the left hand a new lock from under the left lock. The new lock should be the same size, as previous. A new left lock to cross with the right lock, having imposed it from above and to press to a head the left hand. The right hand to grasp a new lock on the right side. To cross a new right lock with the left increased lock, imposing it from above and to press to a head the right hand. To repeat stages 3-5 to a neck. To continue to spin the fish tail, extending locks from under a horse tail and crossing them on the centre. (Though hair have not been fixed by an elastic band, all of them will equally fall along a back in the form of a horse tail.) to fix the end of a plait the fitted elastic band. At desire it is possible to pin an ornament for hair.

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