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среда, 5 января 2011 г.

Program Results «Together against a breast cancer»


In October annual results of activity of the charitable program «Together against a breast cancer» for a year have been brought.

But this year the program has decided to refuse carrying out of traditional conference. The means planned for the organisation of action, have been directed on rendering of the address help to the women who were ill with a cancer of a breast. In October coupons on special linen and gifts from the charitable program for the sum of 510 000 roubles have received more than 200 women, gone through operations on a breast.

In total in 2008 on struggle against a breast cancer to Russia the charitable program has directed about 28 million roubles. In the oncological centres in regions of Russia it has been transferred маммографическое the equipment to the sum of 27 million roubles. Doctors-advisers of a hot line have answered 17 000 calls. The address help more than has been rendered 200 women, gone through a breast cancer. The basic source of financing of these projects of a steel the means collected from sale under the catalogue of the goods with «a pink ribbon» - a symbol of struggle against a breast cancer all over the world (more than 24 million roubles). The second on May, 31st would take place лаготворительный the March «Together against a breast cancer» thanks to which in program fund has arrived more than 3 million 600 thousand roubles. Besides, any person could send from mobile phone SMS with word BLAGO on short number 1005 and thus bring the contribution (this option 7000 persons have taken advantage and it has been collected 144 000. Roubles).

Also within the limits of the program the All-Russia Competition of grants among the state oncological medical centres, social advertising on prevention of a cancer of the breast, the Second charitable March «Together against a breast cancer», solemn ceremony of celebration of those women which Designers of Week of the Fashion in Moscow together against a breast cancer »could overcome this test, Charitable auction within the limits of the project«, and also School educational program in which frameworks for senior pupils Health Lessons are conducted has taken place. The All-Russia free hot line «Together for the sake of a life» (ph. 8-800-200-70-07 for Moscow - 783-70-07) and an interactive Russian-speaking Internet site лаготворительной programs www. avon-protivraka. ru has continued the active work .

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