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суббота, 8 января 2011 г.

Results of 6 ceremonies "ТОП 10 SEXY"


the Radio station «Monte Carlo» has spent the sixth ceremony of delivery of the annual award «ТОП 10 SEXY» where ten most sexual stars in the field of sports have been defined, TV, cinema, classical art and show business.

  At ceremony there was all beau monde of domestic show-biza. Certainly, has not managed and without funny things. Sweet «блонди» Olga Buzova has welcomed one of the first, and indefatigably chirped to journalists that in its understanding sexuality, and each time, not hesitating, added that considers itself worthy to become the winner. But to dream, how to be spoken, not harmfully. Its Maria Kozhevnikova, a star of a serial "University" has bypassed. Maria admitted, that the secret of its sexuality consists in a condition of soul of the person. By the way, in a gift the winner has received days off in Monte-Carlo. In a nomination «the most sexual actors» became heroes of "Manned island» Julia Snigir and Vasily Stepanov. Krasavchik Stepans, to affliction of its fans, at ceremony has appeared with the darling whom with pleasure has presented to journalists. Naturally, action has not passed without an icon of style, Sergey Zvereva. Зверев was in the repertoire, having noticed, that more sexually it is not present any person in the world. But this day, it was entrusted to Sergey to declare only winners in a nomination "show business". Them of steel Ани Лорак and Stas Pyekha. By the way, Ани Лорак recently has married and shortly becomes mum. On a party it has been noticed Vick Dajneko in a frank dress and the bright red lips, declared, that lipstick is a part of sexuality. Action without «силиконовых naked dolls» - Igor Matveenko's wards – «Mobile blondes» also has not managed. Young mum Xenia Borodina has afflicted with the predilection for bad habits – the girl did not leave all the evening long a pack of cigarettes. Summing up 6 ceremonies «ТОП 10 SEXY», results have appeared such: « Sports »— Natalia Ragozin, Ренат Сабитов.

"Cinema"— Julia Snigir, Vasily Stepanov.

"classical art"— Карина Сербина.

"TV"— Maria Kozhevnikova, Sergey Svetlakov.

"Show business"— Stas Pyekha, Ани Лорак.


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