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пятница, 14 января 2011 г.

Charming news go to you!

carrier pigeon Female magazine "Charm" represents to your attention

NewsReader - the unique program which will help you to learn always

Interesting materials of magazine and charming news the first!

Using NewsReader, you always will be well informed about all latest news and events of our magazine. You can receive any information, according to your interests - from articles about beauty and health to last videoclips, images and music! NewsReader it is supplied by simple and convenient system of search and itself will filter the necessary data. Thanks to it you do not pass the necessary information.

By means of the program you can not only receive the information on the publication of new articles and news in magazine "Charm", but also can watch other editions, female magazines, popular scientific, political etc. resources, simply having added from the catalogue interesting you.

newsrwader - the program from female magazine the charm

newsrwader - the program from female magazine the charm

And also PHENOMENALLY NEW FUNCTIONS: LISTENING RADIO ONLINE, GAME In ONLINE of GAME and VIEWING ОНЛАЙН-TV. Thus, you can read news and listen to radio simultaneously!

newsrwader - the program from female magazine the charm

newsrwader - the program from female magazine the charm

newsrwader - the program from female magazine the charm

newsrwader - the program from female magazine the charm

Establish NewsReader from Female magazine "Charm" on the computer - and be well informed about all last events!

newsreader - the program from female magazine the charm As it works?

Simply press on "to load the program" and will instal the program:

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