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суббота, 8 января 2011 г.

The Goulash from beef

It is published pretty in пт, 11/03/2005 - 11:00

In my opinion, it is more similar on азу

In a goulash beef except meat and a tomato paste of nothing добаляют (from vegetables I mean)


It is published Larissa, the Eagle in пн, 02/06/2008 - 16:56

I most of all like meat dishes (in general a meat soul terrible))) I not However, prepare strongly intricate and refined dishes, but is nourishing and is tasty. Here the recipe "quickly", becomes literally minutes for 30 - "the Potato with smoked окорочком" (all ингридиенты on собсвенное the discretion, without an accurate dosage).

We cut ringlets or who as likes onions more, we fry it.

The card is cleaned (clear business)), is cut by cubes and закладыватеся is extinguished to the reddened onions. All this business is filled in with water so that slightly covered a potato, it is no more. Usual smoked chicken окорочок (a couple, троечку into whom how many will get))) it is undressed, we separate meat from a bone, we cut small slices. When the card will be almost ready, we throw in it meat. To three on a small grater or it is pressed in чеснокодавилке garlic (again таки - who how many loves, I usually rub 3-4 зубчика), clear business, too we throw it in a potato) There we throw spices: a laurel leaf, black and red pepper, the others - to taste. As I the fan various spicy mixes, I throw spices from sets "for meat", "for a potato", "for плова", etc. in general, what spices will be in the house, those and I throw. Here, basically and all... Yes, not absolutely loftily, but it is very tasty.


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