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пятница, 7 января 2011 г.

Dear авто instead of viagra!


Unusual research was spent by the Canadian scientists.

  it has been by results proved, that at the men who are at the wheel of expensively car, level тестостерона sharply raises. Initially scientific assumed, that presence of individuals of an opposite sex in a visibility range of men-drivers influences level тестостерона. Researchers have decided to test the hypotheses on 39 men. On experiment conditions, at first examinees should pass on Toyota Camry, and then – on cabriolet Porsche 911 with open top. It has appeared, that in the first case level тестостерона remained invariable, and here in the second (that it is no wonder) it has considerably increased. I will notice, that presence or absence of fine strangers in sight has not affected at all level of a man's hormone. The member of research group Ged Saad has noticed, that that at the man тестостерон has jumped up, to plant it for a wheel of expensive car enough and it is unimportant, whether to it upon whom will make impression. By the way, girls I think in a course, that for us high level тестостерона at the man is a signal that from it it is possible to conceive healthy posterity!

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