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среда, 12 января 2011 г.

The Fourth award «Person of month» Face. ru: stars, backs and shoes

Unexpectedly it was last warm evening of leaving summer. Even in the afternoon on August, 27th it was as in autumn fresh, and to hours to eight on a city the soft summer languor from which we already have absolutely weaned lately has fallen. And just by eight o'clock in restaurant Cafe Cipollino visitors of the Fourth award «Person of month» Face. ru began to gather.

As we remember, this time the idea of a holiday was opposite the previous populous ceremony which has passed by ship River Palace, rolling visitors on night the Moskva River. The fourth award has been declared as chamber, only for the close friends of the project, that, however, all the same has not helped to avoid a considerable quantity wishing to get on a party. Selection really was severe: protection on action has not started up Oksana Robski which name was not in the list of visitors.

The space has been decided to break into three zones: for the press, the VIP and it is direct for ceremony. Here and we will break our memoirs into three parts...

Let's open the smartest - an official part. As usually, Ooze Канделаки supervised over all action. For possibility to become «the Person of month» Face. ru six girls who have achieved the highest ratings on a site in last month competed: Xenia Tsaregorodtseva, Natalia Agekjan, Юлианна Сардар, Anna Morozova, Ekaterina Vikulina and Julianna Kozin. The jury choice (the editor-in-chief of magazine Maxim Alexander Malenkov, the theatrical artist and producer Paul Kaplevich, TV presenter Irena For fun, actress Maria Kozhevnikova, vijay MTV Alexander Anatolevich, DJ List and resident Comedy Сlub Sergey Bessmertnyj) was coming the uneasy: all nominees have appeared really very bright and interesting.

However, practically has from the very beginning managed to be allocated Natalia Agekjan: in competition of the fashionable images created by girls together with young Russian designers, it unique has appeared in short круизном a dress while competitors all were in evening dresses in a floor.

In competition of talents too has not done without originality - in person Vikulinoj Ekaterina. She has chosen magnanimity as talent and has refused the points in favour of another конкурсантки, Morozovoj Annas. Other girls have shown more classical sketches: singing, drawing, telling of fairy tales and ballet.

As a result the winner had been recognised Natalia Agekjan. Venomous Ooze has not failed to note bright appearance of the girl, having advised present not to stand with it nearby not to lose against.

At the height of evening in Cipollino TV presenter Andrey Malakhov living in the neighbourhood has glanced. Gaining the keys confiscated by Ooze which that has there and then lodged one of конкурсанток, ballerina Anna Morozovoj, Malakhov has gallantly got out of a situation and has simply invited the girl and its friend to admire a kind the Temple of the Christ of the Savior from a balcony of its apartment.

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