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понедельник, 10 января 2011 г.

Is more younger we look - more chances to live to a ripe old age


the Danish British scientists have come to conclusion, that the people, looking is more younger the years, lives longer the coevals.

Scientists have carried out researches and have compared 387 steams разнояйцевых twins. Researchers asked teachers, sports trainers, nurses or simply to guess coevals age of twins on photos. Also it was found out, that those who on a photo looked young, usually lived longer the brothers and sisters. All business has appeared in теломерах – key fragments of DNA which are responsible for ability of cages to a reconstruction and also define on how many youngly their owner looks. It is considered, that short теломеры specify in faster ageing. At the twins participating in experiment, long теломеры were at those who looked younger. All photos of twins have been made, when 90 years were it till 70-80 or even. In a current of 7 years upon termination of experiment scientists have found out, that the the big age difference gave to twins, the reliability was more probable, that the first that twin who looked will die is more senior. British professor Tim Spektor, also carried out own research близняшек and results have appeared similar. As he said, probably has great value a combination of hereditary factors and environment in which the person is throughout all life. In its opinion, doctors it is necessary to give more attention to appearance of the patients.

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