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среда, 5 января 2011 г.

It is cautious! A flu!

flu the Flu – a sharp virus infectious disease with the air-drop mechanism of transfer.

the distributor of a virus of a flu in the nature can be pets – pigs, horses, and also birds – hens, ducks.

at a flu osenne-winter or zimne-spring seasonal prevalence is characteristic.

the flu is terrible complications. The most effective action in struggle against a flu, according to physicians, is vaccination. Now efficiency of vaccination against a flu makes 70-90 %. Are resolved to application domestic (гриппол) and import vaccines (инфлювак, флюарикс, ваксигрипп, etc.) . All vaccines are annually updated.

for preventive maintenance it is possible to use such nonspecific means as арбидол, ремантадин, амиксин, interferon, афлубин, оксалиновая ointment etc.

correctly to define disease it is necessary to know its distinctive lines.

the disease Beginning:

At ОРВИ: the gradual: заложенность a nose, a cold, першение, a pain in a throat, чихание. The temperature raises not always, not at once and not strongly (to 37).

At the FLU: the sharp. A strong headache, an ache in a body, joints, a fever. Sharp lifting of temperature till 38-39. Only in 1-2 days there is a cold, a pain in a throat, cough etc.


At ОРВИ: 5-7 days, cough can not pass till 2 weeks.

at the FLU: 5-6 days, at heavy forms – 10-14 days.


At ОРВИ: means from a cold, for cough, vitamins.

at the FLU: a confinement to bed!!! Противовирусные preparations, means from a cold, cough, vitamins.


At ОРВИ: seldom.

at the FLU: often. A pneumonia, inflammations of an average ear, an antritis, a meningitis, эндокартин.

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