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вторник, 4 января 2011 г.

All will turn out!

success All of us wish to be favourite. We want, that with us admired, supported our undertakings and approved. Always. Positive emotions of associates are necessary for us as air. And it is remarkable, when sincere words of friends fill us with energy on all the day. Badly one - sometimes such requirement for approval passes in dependence. And then the word and even a sight can also is easy kill. To kill pleasure, hope, idea.

How many ingenious, innovative бизнесов great pictures пылятся on attics have been crossed out by one good advice, how many, how many manuscripts are thrown in a table, how many dreams are crushed by more skilled friends. And so-called "experts" are in general the car for murder.

But who all these critics - relatives and not so, native and absolutely another's, loving us and hating - is simple people. Which also as well as all of us search for the truth which also as well as all of us are mistaken also which also as well as we want, that them admired, listened to them, trusted. They cannot know result. They can only with a relative share of probability it assume.

Therefore NEVER, under no circumstances do not shift a choice on others. Do not ask basic councils, whether to do to you something. It only your choice. Your way. Your experience.

self-confidence And here when the basic decision is accepted, when you know, that do not recede from the idea, you can address for concrete council. Address for the help, but ask in essence. How to optimise taxes - ask the familiar financial adviser. Ask to help with a choice of the software and technics acquisition - the friend to the system administrator.

And if it is necessary for you to hear words of support from the loved one simply ask «You in me you trust?» (Not in your project, namely in you). Also be assured, you receive that answer which is necessary for you. Because despite of everything all of us want, that at people expensive to us all was remarkable. Trust in the environment, give them love and if sometime your friend asks you a sacramental question «As you think, from this something will turn out?» - answer simply I In YOU I TRUST!

author Tatyana Nikitin

Source www. live-and-learn. ru


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