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суббота, 15 января 2011 г.

The Habit «заедать» the stress leads still большему to stress


English scientists have found out, that we test feeling of hunger under the influence of recently open hormone грелина.

This opening allows to explain, at last, why many people because of nerves have an insuperable desire densely to eat.

It has appeared, that developed at stress кортизол stimulates hormone emission грелина which reminds us that is time to be supported. But if in a usual situation such reminder is necessary for us, at stress it is false and compels us is while the food is not necessary to an organism. Therefore instead of «заедать» stress, with it it is necessary to struggle. The help in it to mankind long since was rendered by herbs, for example, mint peppery, a balm and валериана, a part of demulcent Персен. To disregard stress it is impossible also because it often leads to a sleeplessness which, in turn, stimulates development грелина even more. As a result of this strengthened hormonal blow the person inevitably starts to overeat and types weight that forces it to be nervous even more. So to break off this vicious circle it is better right at the beginning - while it has not become isolated yet.

The Information is given by Bogaudinovoj Svetlana Rifkatovnoj, Department on work from mass-media

"PR-Premier" Mix-Marketing Communications Group.

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