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среда, 12 января 2011 г.

That our lips will tell about us


Not only eyes can reflect essence of the person.

Физиогномисты also much can tell about the person, looking on his lips. And for certain it were men as in a lip woman's face remain one of the most sexual and attractive parts of the person.

so, we will start. Experts assert, that full female lips is a certificate of the raised sensuality and sexuality. Probably, therefore now, ladies often abuse "pumping" of lips. Owners of a large mouth not so much love and deep feelings is important, and possibility always to be the focus of attention. These girls terrible эгоцентристки also twist people as want. To girls with narrow lips carries in love less. But at them very strong temperament which never will break under oppression of circumstances. Such girls are able to supervise the emotions, but they are given out by densely compressed lips. These ladies like to subordinate people and to manipulate. Many of them become independent and even more often remain are lonely. If the upper lip is more thin bottom it can testify to frivolity of nature. Such girls are in eternal search of the next partner, seducing all successively. Любвеобильности and inconstancy with it not to occupy, as constantly it would be desirable new sensations. But if they meet the man of the dream remain are true to it till the end of a life. And here if the upper lip is fuller bottom it is a sign on that the girl is magnanimous and as much as possible natural. They will be lost in contemplation hardly of other men, at all thus cannot give up to itself in a coquetry. Such ladies are inclined to completeness and like to eat well. Still their weakness sex which they can erect in a cult. The asymmetric mouth causes hostility in many and it is considered a sign on bad, false people. These young ladies can deceive, spin intrigues and coolly go to the purpose. They will difficultly understand what in relations, hardly they will reveal before you. The big mouth on the one hand looks отталкивающе, with another it is very lovely. As a rule, such girls are opened and remove always pleasantly to spend time. To the man with such woman it will be easy, as it is ready to understand and accept its lacks always. Not smiling mouth, for example as at Гвинет Пэлтроу, as a rule, pushes away – not so it would be desirable to deal with constantly longing person. After all even if the girl it is very cheerful and sociable, at shape all the same is present грустинка because of the lowered corners of a mouth. These ladies it would be desirable to preserve and protect, therefore, they, as a rule, marry strong men.


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