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суббота, 8 января 2011 г.

Lenses ACUVUE® from Johnson and Johnson: a frost not a hindrance!


the global warming Promised by scientists does not hasten to be shown, and here winter colds only strengthen the positions. And nbsp; in frosts to be in the street it is not so pleasant, both frozen and then misted over glasses of points of pleasure do not add. Contact lenses ACUVUE® from Johnson & Johnson will allow to avoid such problems in the winter and will present accurate sight in any weather! The come colds cannot do much harm to contact lenses, and in them to your eyes will be comfortable even in the street in frosts, also as well as houses in heat.

It is not necessary to endow walks with approach of colds under the pretext of that you badly see. Certainly, points in the winter – it is far not the most convenient way of correction of sight: they are closed up with snow, they mist over at an input in a warm premise … Contact lenses much more comfortably! Many are interested, whether it is possible to carry lenses in colds. Experts give the positive answer on this question. The eye surface has constant temperature, about 35 degrees, besides eyelids and eyelashes provide to eyes additional protection and help to keep constant temperature. For this reason contact lenses, being on eyes in colds, do not freeze, are not deformed and cannot damage in any way to eyes. That is why safely put on since morning contact lenses ACUVUE®, with a smile leave on street and enjoy fresh frosty air!

Now you can easy make jog on morning морозцу or ski and the fads with friends without any inconveniences. To carry contact lenses ACUVUE® from Johnson & Johnson it is simple and convenient! After all thanks to the humidifying components entering into their structure, such lenses as 1? DAY ACUVUE® TruEye ™ (Uan Day Akuvju TruAj) or ACUVUE® OASYS® (Акувью the Oasis) will present long sensation of comfort to your eyes. If the sun in the street shines, contact lenses ACUVUE® again will gain you because they are supplied by the special Uf-filter which protects eyes from harmful solar лучей*.

The Cold – a stressful situation for an organism, however our eyes can feel comfortable and at low temperatures. Contact lenses ACUVUE® will present to you accurate sight and convenience, and any frosts to you not a hindrance. In the cold winter the life does not freeze, and changes and plays new paints - in contact lenses ACUVUE® from Johnson & Johnson!


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