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вторник, 4 января 2011 г.

Sofia Larin from the Kemerovo area became «Beauty of Russia-2008»


The ending of national competition «Beauty of Russia-2008» has taken place on July, 25th on the central quay of Petrozavodsk - is told new details.

As we informed earlier. «Beauty of Russia-2008» has received a title the representative of the Kemerovo area 20-year-old Sofia Larin. Harmonous and high brunette Sofia Larin at high enough growth (178 sm) possesses almost ideal modelling parametres (90-63-94) and is not only rather beautiful, but also the clever, purposeful girl. She studies at the Siberian University of means of communication on 3rd course, takes a great interest in mountain skiing and basketball, tries to value each minute. At competition Sofia represented the Kemerovo area and, according to new tradition, «Beauty of Russia-2009» will go there.

Grandiose show in which preparation known directors have been involved, choreographers, fashion designers, has taken place open-air (that in a novelty for competition) on the central quay of Petrozavodsk. Conducted a concert Arina Sharapov, Vladimir Berezin and Irina Karamysheva - the announcer of the Karelian TV (ВГТРК).

It was necessary to appreciate girls-participants to judges among whom, by tradition, there were only known people: the head of Republic Kareliya Sergey Leonidovich Katanandov, the director of competitions «Beauty of Russia» and «the Ms. Moscow» Tatyana Andreeva, the winner of the first competition of beauty in the USSR «the Moscow beauty-88» Maria Kalinina, the Barbarian, Зара and others.

63 girls from various regions of the country have stepped on the stage to be overcome for a title «Beauty of Russia-2008». After дефиле in коктейльных dresses and dresses from «the Ethnic collection», Vladimir Berezin with special feeling declared an exit "Minibikini" - spectators of a male have concealed breath pending конкурсанток. Ideal figures of participants has simply hypnotised public: all sights have been directed on a scene. The last дефиле in evening dresses was not less grasping.

Performance of stars of the Russian and foreign platform became a gift for spectators: the songs the gathered have presented the Barbarian, Alexander Serov, Alexander Dobronravov, Зара, groups "Factories" and «Сценакардия», and also legendary Bad Boys Blue. In the ending of a concert, during rewarding of winners, the strong rain that became original end of a holiday has gone.

Winners have received expensive prizes and gifts, among which 3 cars presented by company "Авилон" - official dealer Mercedes-Benz in Russia.

Competition «Beauty of Russia-2008» was spent within the limits of a Year of a family under the motto «To prosperity of great Russia - through harmony and beauty of Russians!». The competition televersion will go on the air in August on NTV television channel.

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