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пятница, 7 января 2011 г.

Beef under nut sauce

It is published Инга, Armavir in чт, 10/01/2008 - 11:30

The Dish became favourite! It is very tasty!

My recipe:

Beef with marinaded walnuts and flaky pastry (Highland beef)

For 8 portions:

For lids from flaky pastry:

400 г the flaky pastry unrolled

1 egg

For a goulash:

1.5 kg of a fillet of the beef cut on slices of 5 sm, fat to cut off

2 зубчика the garlic, cleared and crushed

1 bay leaf

2 banks х 440 г dark beer, for example, Гиннесс

85 г a butter

3 ст olive oil l

100 г a smoked bacon cut

3 large bulbs small cut

2 ст l of a simple flour

350 ml of port

390 гр the marinaded walnuts cut half-and-half (to keep 2 ст l of vinegar from banks)

3 ст l of the fresh parsley cut

Poorly what winter dishes can beat an excellent rich beef goulash; the longer it costs, the more its aroma improves. Make it 3 days prior to giving on a table, and simply warm up before submitting.

3 days prior to arrival of visitors

1. To make lids of flaky pastry. To warm up an oven to 200 гр S. Na of a surface strewed by a flour, is thin to unroll the dough and to cut out 6 circles. To shift them on противень and to grease яйцом. To salt and bake 5-7 mines while the dough will not rise. To cool on a lattice, then to remove and store in densely closed bank before giving on a table.

2. To make a goulash. To put meat. Garlic and a bay leaf in a nonmetallic bowl and to fill in with beer. To cover and leave for the night in a refrigerator (or at least at 1 o'clock).

3. To warm up an oven to 150 гр S. Slit meat and to dry on a kitchen towel. To set aside a liquid for marinade.

4. To heat up half of butter and olive in the big ceramic pan. To put on big fire and to fry meat in the portions, to a brown crust. When meat is ready, to get it шумовкой.

5. To wipe a pan a paper kitchen towel, to kindle remained creamy and an olive oil and to fry bacon and an onions during 10-15 mines, to golden colour.

6. To add a flour, to mix, add port and marinade, and also to tighten meat. To finish to boiling, to cover densely and to extinguish in an oven 2 1/2 - 3 hours while meat will not be very gentle (to season are not necessary). To cool, shift in the big container and to put in a refrigerator or to freeze for the term up to 1 month.

Before submitting

7. To return in the ceramic form and to finish to boiling (if the goulash is frozen, at first to defreeze, and then to continue as it is described above). To add marinaded nuts and the postponed vinegar and to extinguish 30 minutes to Add parsley. To warm up слоеноые "lids" at 200 гр With within 3-4 minutes to Pour on plates, to cover with the test and to strew parsley.


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