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вторник, 11 января 2011 г.

The Diet from Ани Поярковой

Today we will talk about symmetry secrets. I will tell to you about the exclusive diet!

Me often ask how I manage to be always in the good form. My main secret is, of course, regular jobs by dances: they give also inflow эндорфинов, and are well reflected in a figure. Dances are, perhaps, the most pleasant way to grow thin and look tightened.

But nevertheless sometimes physical activity, even such sated, does not suffice to find an ideal figure. I have a diet which gives real effect of all in some days and does not put harm to health. I advise to its all family who wish to throw off pair kg.

So, today I have decided to share with you a secret of mine an exclusive diet which allows to throw off 2 weeks prior to 10 kg.

Diet "Ka-hu-enga"

For half an hour before a breakfast drink a water glass.

the Breakfast

Leaves of salad and tomatoes черри, in unlimited quantity. Green tea.

the Dinner

the Fish baked in an oven. Without sauces and seasonings. Fried vegetable marrows. Without sauce and seasonings. Green tea.

the Mid-morning snack

2 handfuls of raisin. Green tea.

the Supper

6 small squares of bitter chocolate. Green tea.

the Note:

Last food intake should take place till 18 o'clock.

Green tea without additives can be drunk in unlimited quantity and after 18 hours.

Remember, this diet not a way of life. You can eat in a similar way 2-3 weeks. But then necessarily make a break, at least on couple of days, and indulge itself with your favourite products, only in small amounts. Here will see, from it the diet only will be more effective. Because if you, basically, exclude any products from your diet sooner or later you will break and will eat them in unlimited quantity. That, of course, there and then will affect a figure! Therefore we adhere to a rule: in all there should be a measure, and the diet should not be eternal and oppressing.

And at last, the main council: going on a diet, necessarily be engaged thus in sports or dances. First, it will accelerate result. Secondly, it will relieve your skin of ugly "saggings" which happen at people who have thrown off pair kg, but thus did not go in for sports.

The Harmonous figure to you, expensive readers!


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