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вторник, 11 января 2011 г.

Go on a life laughing!

«To be old it is not simply bad or good, sad or cheerful.

in an old age there is everything, as in all our life:

sometimes it is simple paradise, and more often — usual everyday life.

it is not necessary to complain in this occasion.

it is better to go on a life laughing, than crying »

hspace the Example of many people proves "pleasure", that in advanced years, despite illnesses and indispositions, quite, it is possible to feel pleasure from a life.

clear business, sooner or later an old age becomes a reality. Only the humour will help to concern it how she deserves that, — is not too serious. At an old age many the pleasant parties, and possibilities to be with it in a harmony are even more.

There are two categories of old men: «young old men» and «old old men».

In a category «the young old man» people from sixty five till hundred years can enter. The majority of psychologists consider what regularly to be engaged in physical exercises, to support normal weight, keeping to an elementary diet to conduct an active way of life, moreover to be able to laugh over itself is everything, that is necessary not to notice an old age.

Presence in character of such lines as friendliness and sociability, positively influence the cholesterol maintenance in blood and acidity of urine, raise activity of immune cages. If to concern a life with pleasure, love and humour, it is possible to prolong it considerably.

- It is necessary to enrich constantly itself the new ideas, the new knowledge, new acquaintances.

- To Aspire to receive it is as much as possible pleasure from a life – to visit exhibitions, theatre, cinema, zoos, to arrange houses children's morning performances for grandsons.

- It is very important not to become reserved, get acquainted with new people. Both old, and to new friends offer the help, find for them time.

- Try to show unlimited love even if actually you do not test it. Training, you we will find love.

- Express pleasure laughter, and affliction tears. When children to something rejoice, they sincerely laugh. When of it it is sick — they cry. Suppression of feelings and their displays more than something another, conducts to loss of forces.

- Simply be glad to something without any special reason.

- Do not worry that you can look a little childly.

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