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среда, 5 января 2011 г.

On April, 1st – I trust nobody


Americans have made a rating of the most amusing jokes in Day of Fools.

According to composers of a rating, the most successful draws - organised independently, without the aid of the adaptations offered in specialised shops.

On the fifth place the draw simulating filled to ceiling by a peanut office. Works only in a case with transparent glass walls of an office. So, glue is put on a sheet of paper, on it the peanut is filled, sheets are attached to transparent walls.

On the fourth place draw for employees of those companies where it is accepted to use carts like carts in a supermarket, informs Kleo. ru. They are equipped by a special magnet which blocks wheels at an exit from a dining room. Jokers advise to finish a magnet so that wheels from time to time were blocked in the most table.

Draw number three: for couple of weeks till April, 1st it is necessary to fill in the keyboard of the colleague a handful of seeds сорняковой a fast-growing grass and from time to time to water.

On the second place draw for television presentations. For this purpose it is necessary to put at office mufflers of an infra-red signal with which help panels DU work. To include the TV it will not turn out.

And the most ridiculous joke Americans consider to remove the handle from a refrigerator and to place it on the other hand, and then to observe, how the colleague unsuccessfully tries to open it.

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