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пятница, 14 января 2011 г.

Avto-Moto Bikini 2009

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«AVTO-MOTO BIKINI 2009» will pass in this year on August, 21-23st in boarding house «Solar glade» on the bank of the Moskva River in picturesque places near to Звенигорода.

The union of motorcyclists of Russia and club VETERANS mc prepare for visitors «AVTO-MOTO BIKINI 2009» the scale entertaining program including performances of the Russian and foreign musicians, professional stuntmen, дефиле models, competitions for bikers and spectators, film presentation «AVTO-MOTO BIKINI 2008», grandiose fireworks, laser show, костюмированный a carnival, Fire Theatre, performance of masters of an original genre, an exhibition of exclusive samples автомототехники, and also the erotic show program from the best Moscow stripteases-clubs and many other things.

Column formation will begin at 17.00 on August, 21st on 48th kilometre of Novorizhsky highway; at 18.00 - start to a carrying out place; at 21.00 - official opening of festival - a colourful show with a carnival, faer-show, fireworks. The entertaining program will proceed performances of musicians which will alternate competitions and draws of prizes, and also fascinating tricks in execution of professional stuntmen. To sleep visitors «AVTO-MOTO BIKINI 2009» will go only at daybreak.

Next day visitors of festival are expected by weight of entertainments for all tastes: performances of the Russian and foreign musicians, demonstration performances of the best stuntmen, film presentation «AVTO-MOTO BIKINI 2008». Visitors of festival will have an opportunity to show the talents in various motor-competitions and not only. But the main intrigue of festival becomes competition «AVTO-MOTO BIKINI 2009» in which 150 fine participants will struggle for the main prize - $10 000.

This day grandiose celebratory salute will crown. Those who is not intended to go to bed this night, the best Moscow DJ will please with the incendiary mixes, and the erotic show program from the best Moscow stripteases-clubs, undoubtedly, will not allow to close eyes even отъявленных fans to have a sleep.

On Sunday, on August, 23rd, official closing of this grandiose show at 12.00 will take place.

Changes and additions in the program, the journey scheme - www. avtomotobikini. ru .

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