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вторник, 11 января 2011 г.

On СТС страртует new ситком


«the Room question» under the art remark булгаковского Voland «has spoilt Muscovites»

. Confirm it and recent interrogations ВЦИОМ. It appears, nine millions Muscovites from twelve, living in capital, are dissatisfied with the living conditions and wish to change a situation to the best. Besides, under given соцопросов, the habitation 2/3 inhabitants of the country are dissatisfied. Certainly, problems of similar character arise in many countries, but in our country, apparently, it has reached a critical point.

as if having a presentiment of it, channel STS has started new ситком, narrating about a young family which lives with relatives in one apartment, and worries various funny situations. The picture such, apparently, is familiar almost to each Russian. For this reason management СТС does the rate on a serial «Воронины» and does not doubt its success. In leading roles – Ekaterina Volkova familiar to spectators under projects «Who in the house the owner», «the Crazy angel» and George Dronov, so grown fond to us Саша from a serial «Саша+Маша».

In situations in which there are protagonists, sometimes ridiculous, sometimes serious, everyone for certain learns itself(himself).


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