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среда, 5 января 2011 г.

The Youth for all life


Developed by the Russian scientists пептидные bioregulators well-known the world in many countries

It is considered, that the nature to the person presents very long life. Scientific gerontologists confirm: at homo sapiens as at a biological kind, the life limit makes 120 years. However to many women the long life is not so important, more likely them how easily and beautifully they will pass on this life interests, fascinating all the unfading youth.

What the general at celebrities last and these centuries? All of them aspired not only to live long, but also to keep "trade dress". Egyptian tsarina Cleopatra took dairy baths, a favourite of the king of France Louis of VI Marquis де Помпадур in litres drank carrot juice, and Russian empress Catherine II tried to keep a youth by means of balm from egg yolks and vodka. Many present celebrities in quality молодильного элексира "taste" bioregulators on a basis пептидов which help to rejuvenate and protect an organism from presenilation.

The mechanism of action of these bioregulators unusually simple and natural. With the years to our cages all is more difficult to develop fibers is and is one of ageing principal causes. Пептиды regulate a metabolism at level of cages, giving the chance to them to work how they work in a young and healthy organism. Пептиды as a matter of fact are harmless: they consist of the amino acids which are already present at our organism. Operating absolutely naturally, they compensate for the deficiency some fiber and rejuvenate an organism literally. The result literally - is available. Today there is even such term «пептидотерапия». Developed by the Russian scientists пептидные bioregulators well-known the world in many countries. Already now this new way of a rejuvenation is accessible practically to all.

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