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понедельник, 10 января 2011 г.

Eutrophy since the childhood


Experts of Institute of age physiology of the Russian Academy of education have carried out the research, the captured 35 000 schoolboys.

It has appeared, that at schools it is impossible to name catering services safe. Meat and fish products daily use only 55 % of schoolboys, dairy products and eggs are present at a daily diet at 75 % of schoolboys.

Meanwhile, meat and fish dishes, being the basic source of animal protein, provide an organism with "a building material» for formation, growth and development of cages and fabrics. Dairy products and eggs also are capable to satisfy requirement of a growing organism for fibers (amino acids). The lack of fiber of children's and teenage age can become the reason of serious functional infringements, cause failures in organism work.

Vegetables consume daily 46 % of schoolboys. Fruit and juice are present at a daily diet only at 30 % of schoolboys.

Vegetables and fruit provide an organism with microcells, vitamins and carbohydrates. The lack of these substances can lead to decrease in level of immune protection of an organism, and, as consequence, increase of frequency of disease.

Third of first-graders 3 times a day accept food, about 3 % of first-graders once a day eats. About 30 % of first-graders and 50 % of ninth-graders eat when will want.

One of conditions of the organisation of a balanced diet is the regularity. The optimum diet of the schoolboy assumes 4-5 multiple food intake within day. Reduction of frequency of food intake or unsystematic character, disorder of a food is additional loading for an organism, that usually negatively affects as work of a gastroenteric path, and other systems of an organism.

More than 5 % of first-graders and 10 % of ninth-graders have not breakfast in the morning.

The breakfast is an important component of a daily food allowance. It gives to an organism necessary energy to start day. Regular refusal of a breakfast can become the reason of development of high fatigue at the child, to attention decrease Is etc. established, that children who have breakfast in the morning, do at school of less errors, in comparison with those who has not breakfast.

The decision of a problem of a food of children has complex character. One of the important problems on a way of the decision of this problem is formation at children and teenagers of culture of eutrophy. Useful habits and the skills acquired in the childhood, will help to keep health in the future.

Educational program for children and teenagers «Conversation on eutrophy» offers effective model of the organisation of work on formation of bases of eutrophy and a healthy way of life. The program has been created at the initiative of the company «Нестле Russia» in 1999. During nine-year work the program has proved the efficiency: teachers and parents unanimously assert, that the program helps strengthening of health of children.

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