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воскресенье, 9 января 2011 г.

To Straighten hair now not a problem


In a year of 100 anniversary Rowenta represents ATTITUDE CF7150 – the rectifier for hair from an exclusive collection "Golden Age".

Rectifier ATTITUDE from Rowenta – effect of professional packing at you at home! All devices of a collection are presented in three shades of gold – white gold, pink gold, yellow gold.

emotional, thin, womanly, fragile. All it – about modern women. We work over ourselves and we aspire to faultless result in everything, but sometimes only one disobedient lock is capable to spoil to us mood …

Rowenta – the leader of the Russian market of hair dryers and devices for packing of hair – represents the new rectifier for hair ATTITUDE CF7150 from an exclusive collection "Golden Age". With it you will be reliably protected from whims of capricious ringlets!

ideally direct, smooth, brilliant hair are so simply! You should not waste time on visiting of the hairdresser any more – rectifier CF7150 will allow you to achieve faultless result, as after visiting of the professional stylist, at home. The heating heat (210 degrees) provides peak efficiency of packing, and on creation of the most difficult hairdress will leave very few time. You easily and quickly transform even the most disobedient ringlets into ideally equal locks.

with new rectifier ATTITUDE your hair shine health literally. Patented ceramic covering UltraShineNanoCeramic allows to straighten hair even more effectively and to give to them of more shine, than the classical ceramic covering, and also carefully to care of hair, protecting them in the course of packing.

but it yet all! Function of ionisation of a novelty from Rowenta allows to neutralise electrostatic pressure on hair and to keep an internal moisture of each hair. Improbably, but in the course of creation of a magnificent hairdress your hair become even more healthy, obedient and shining!

Depending on type of hair and the chosen style of packing you can vary temperature of heating of device CF7150 in limits from 130 to 210 degrees by means of the built in thermostat, and to supervise it the convenient liquid crystal display will allow.

the most occupied persons will by all means estimate high speed of work of new device Rowenta: heating occurs less than for thirty seconds. In total half-minute – also it is possible to start packing process! And the stylish design of the device executed in colour of pink gold, is necessary to taste to each woman of fashion.

the new rectifier for hair CF7150 from company Rowenta from an exclusive collection "Golden Age" is created specially for those who appreciates ideal and professional result at home.


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