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вторник, 11 января 2011 г.

Ксюша becomes mum?


News about pregnancy of the main blonde of the country has done a lot of noise, hardly having appeared.

Still – in fashion peak on children Xenia Sobchak who is recognised трендсеттером, stood aside till now the main social tendency. And after all and men worthy always surrounded the girl, and conditions all are – it would seem, to give birth and birth. But Собчак did not hurry up, waited. And, probably, Xenia Sobchak has waited …

does not get tired to excite the public not only the projects on TV, but also the rough private life. It is strange, that the girl, having experience in a writing of books, has not followed yet an example the close friend Andrey Malakhov who has published frank creation «My favourite blondes», and has not published something like «Xenia Sobchak's Public life». And it is valid, in biography Ксюши almost does not remain white stains, at least, if to speak about its mutual relations with men: « I even sms receive from men: with me a variant as with that and that, will not pass ».

is a nightmare, – Xenia admits, – I consider, that it is the big problem when the woman does not have secrets.

rupture Собчак with its last бойфрендом which many already perceived, as husband of a star, has done a lot of noise not only in secular circles, but also in mass-media. But soon the girl has given a new occasion to conversations: even more often the known blonde began to see under a hand with the former groom, businessman Alex Shustorovichem. It, by the way, has appeared and on a party in honour of birthday Собчак and Канделаки at restaurant KINKI.

But even news about reunion of effective pair would not be news, as that if not that moment, that at harmonous Xenia visitors have noticed rotundities around a waist. The girl looks happy but while officially on this information in any way does not make comments. In environment Собчак conversations go, that the child should appear in May of next year.


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