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пятница, 14 января 2011 г.

Cosmetology and a guelder-rose

It is published the Lady of Dee in пн, 14/11/2005 - 11:00

I practised such masks, at me a fat skin. But I wished to tell, that after these masks, as well as after a mask from a cherry it is important to rinse the person with the acidified water, differently dye eats deeply during a time.


It is published Эльвира, Khanty-Mansiysk in пн, 14/11/2005 - 11:00

Guelder-rose Fruits are a medical product at a hypertension. Their consumption strengthens сократительную ability of a cardiac muscle, reduces cholesterol in blood; they are used at простудных diseases, a bronchial asthma, bleedings, illnesses of a liver, a stomach ulcer and 12-perstnoj guts, колитах, diarrheas, as an easy diuretic.

Broth of a bark of the guelder-rose prepared in the spring, is used as кровоостанавливающее means, and broth цветков apply to digestion improvement, at резях and intestines spasms, diarrheas, as отхаркивающее and a sudorific, at diseases of female bodies.


It is published Galina, Konstantinovka in пн, 02/02/2009 - 18:52

It is possible to make jelly Of a guelder-rose. Take fresh berries. Remove them from brushes and carefully wash out flowing water. Then put in the enameled pan, add a few waters (so that it slightly covered a pan bottom) and put on slow fire on 10 — 15 minutes. When berries will a little cool down, wipe the received weight through a colander with small holes to separate stones and skins. In the received juice add sugar in a proportion 1:1. Carefully mix and boil thoroughly on slow fire 10 — 20 minutes, all time stirring slowly. When it slightly will cool down, pour on sterile glass jars and roll up the boiled covers. Be stored such jelly some years can. Use it as a cough remedy, besides, it also very tasty thing!


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