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воскресенье, 9 января 2011 г.


tomato the Tomato is an ideal meal for completion of mineral substances. In tomatoes there is калий, a magnesium, iron, zinc, calcium and phosphorus.

Tomatoes contain very many vitamins - B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, E, but most of all in them of vitamin C. This vitamin - a natural antioxidant.

One more substance containing in tomatoes, - ликопине. This organic connection giving to fruits sated red colour, is very strong natural antioxidant (surpassing in the properties such recognised "hunters of free radicals", as vitamins C and E).

The use of tomatoes and tomato juice (without salt) can lower also risk of cardiovascular diseases and diseases of system of blood circulation, improves work of lungs, a stomach and a pancreas, warns glaucoma occurrence.

Tomatoes treat not only a body, but also soul. In them is "ready серотонин, named a happiness hormone, and тиамин - organic connection which turns in серотонин already in a human body. Thanks to it the glass of tomato juice raises mood, and in stressful situations works as an energizer.

In one glass of tomato juice - half of daily norm of vitamin C and provitamin A which actively support immunity. The unique properties keep tomatoes and after thermal processing or conservation. Moreover, tomatoes, подвергшиеся to food processing, render even more beneficial influence on an organism, than crude as concentration ликопена increases at heating and conservation. So, if you do not have contra-indications, eat more than tomato production - sauces, pastes, ketchups, tinned tomatoes.

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