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четверг, 13 января 2011 г.

Day without movement!

остеопароз «the Life demands movements» - so Aristotle in IV century BC With the same appeal spoke experts of the program «to the Osteoporosis have addressed - are not present!» To the journalists of the leading editions who have gathered in the end of April in club "Duets" at press evening Fitness-Day.

To us often it seems, that to a bone - a support of all body, to them can occur nothing, but after 30 years calcium gradually starts to be washed away from them, they start to lose durability. Completely to stop this process not in our forces. But to make so that it it was slowed down, we can.

Мкртумян Ашот Мусаелович, the expert of the program «to the Osteoporosis - is not present!», the professor, the doctor of medical sciences managing chair эндокринологии and диабетологии МГМСУ: «We now turn to people not going if it is possible so to say. You look, how many on roads of cars, how many in general transport! We practically do not go: before work, to shops by the car, in the underground we go only to the escalator, in houses and offices we do not go on a ladder, and we rise on the lift. And all it is fraught with an osteoporosis -« silent epidemic "." Silent »because about it learn, as a rule, when there is a first crisis. And preventive maintenance thus, simple enough: a healthy way of life, the products rich with calcium, refusal of smoking, alcohol, physical activity. Moderate physical exercises - one of the best means of preventive maintenance. Improving sports or fitness has more serious influence on formation of bone weight, than wearisome, professional sports. Fitness will not return the lost bone weight, but will help to generate a reliable support from a muscular fabric. Modifying a way of life, it is possible to avoid the big problems with health in the future. But before going in for sports, it is necessary to be convinced, that you do not have to it contra-indications - to pass inspection at experts and денситометрию, allowing quickly, it is safe and to define with high accuracy mineral density of a bone fabric».

Vorontsova Elena, the instructor in fitness: «As osteoporosis preventive maintenance any shock loadings, power, and also fitness any kind will approach. And it is necessary for who already has preconditions to illness development« fragile bones »to exclude any кардионагрузки, run, jumps and step-aerobics as all it can lead to crisis. The best preventive maintenance of an osteoporosis are walking, at least 30 minutes in day. The step should be measured and quiet, it is not necessary to run anywhere. Also swimming and small shock movements are useful to area of a bone by which it is necessary to do, using only easy dumbbells and exercises on balance. Also it is necessary to consult with experts that exercises were of use only and strengthened health».

On all questions connected with preventive maintenance and osteoporosis treatment it is possible to address on a hot line 8-800-200-05-78 (phone for regions) and 785-05-78 (phone for Moscow), and also on the Internet site www. osteoporosu. net . Advisers of a hot line - leading Russian rheumatologists, traumatologists, эндокринологи, dieticians.

For the additional information address, please,

To Svetlana Meleshko (smel@ag-loyalty. com) or Tatyana Donskoj (tdon@ag-loyalty. com) (495 290-43-43, 290-50-35

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