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суббота, 8 января 2011 г.

The Main trend of a man's fashion – bright socks!


Mark GRIFF has caught a fashionable current and has presented a new line of man's socks under name Trend.

Necessity to carry "strict" and "correct" clothes in office establishments has led to that more and more men have risen in a contradictory position, having added the clothes unusual, evident accents - bright ties, hours, scarfs instead of ties, ободки on a head and expensive гаджеты. Psychologists name men who inside hate the standard model in a society, «кидалтами», meaning under it "infantilism" and all consequences following from here. Sociologists, on the contrary, notice, that similar "children's" self-expression does not influence in any way degree of "success" of the man in an adult life.

Acknowledgement to it the known fashion designer Valentine Yudashkin who has appeared on recent action in ЦУМе in a strict suit and bright red socks has acted as all. Such he has considered the decision fashionable and actual. Is better this trend mark GRIFF, having presented on the market has caught a new line of man's socks under the name «Trend». Now the modern man can add the clothes with bright socks which of an imperceptible subject of clothes have turned to the important part of image. Socks of line Trend differ original design. Fashionable colour scale, wavy and жаккардовые drawings, bright strips and squares reflect style directions of the present. Whatever style the man has chosen, it will find that searched in this line of socks.

AND #160;

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