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пятница, 7 января 2011 г.

It is done together, we improve sex

It is published Кларитта, Ажгабад in пн, 08/02/2010 - 11:27

Оу, what theme remarkable! Well at me like *некачественного* sex would be never and with anybody. Unnecessary - on sensations впрследствии - was. I - as well as at all - have a number of requirements to the man, it concerns not appearance and the size/form of advantage, and not quantities of certificates for a night/for week - and certain behaviour, and I how to time was not mistaken, choosing or answering a choice. To me liked - and have been calculated, so to say, on approaches - equal (not dominating and not submitting) the partners which have been not confused on sterility. It is almost assured, that histories that in sex any detail - a figure was not pleasant, a member etc. - actually histories about improper sexual behaviour.



It is published Nina, Золотоноша in вт, 15/06/2010 - 10:08

I too sometimes would like roughness that me "took", and it is direct so imperiously, excuse, had.

but my young man persistently disagrees. He says, that does not presume to address roughly with me even if I want it.

at many rough sex happens after quarrels, but at us even after quarrels all is quiet.


It is published It is brisk, Moscow in вт, 15/06/2010 - 10:10

the Girl from the big hang-over complains to the girlfriend:

- the Head after yesterday's feels the same as priest after long анального sex:

to recollect pleasantly, and to use for the designated purpose - painfully!


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