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воскресенье, 9 января 2011 г.

The Award «Person of month» Face. ru: new persons and new experiments

the Next award «Person of month» Face. ru will pass on October, 2nd in ТРЦ «Атриум».

Each new award Face. ru passes in a new place. We have already visited in Prado and Cafe Cipollino, have driven by the ship on the Moskva River. The fifth ceremony of a choice of the most beautiful and talented model will take place in one of the most popular Moscow shopping centres "Атриум".

This time to traditional competition of talents there will be a serious approach: professionalism instead of amateur performance. Depending on the chosen variant of demonstration creative potentials to participants of competition will be helped by professionals. For example, interested persons can sing in advance to write down a duet with a star in professional studio.

The second stage of competition puts a problem creation of a stylish image at the modest budget - only 2 000 roubles on purchase of clothes and accessories. Shopping will act in film on video.

Leading ceremony it becomes expected Ooze Канделаки. Into jury structure will enter: TV presenter Alexander Anatolevich, the artist of theatre and cinema Paul Kaplevich, TV presenters Masha Malinovskaja and Ирена For fun, resident Comedy Club, the editor-in-chief and publisher MENU magazine Azamat Tseboev and TV presenter Anton Komolov.

In a break as usually, residents Comedy Club, and also heroes with YouTube which rollers have typed a high rating will act.

Will finish evening after-party under sets of fashionable Moscow DJs.

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