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понедельник, 3 января 2011 г.

Ryder Dzhennifer Lopez


It became known, what requirements were shown by a star to Moscow.

Let's remind, the star comes to the Russian capital in couple of months on ceremony of Muses-tv 2008. As informs Kleo. ru, for family Dzhej Lo which will accompany it on a trip, 25 persons обслуги are required. Personally for the singer it is necessary big гримерка, the furniture should be grey colour, the colour TV, the videorecorder, DVD& CD-player, the portable tape recorder, a coffee maker, a teapot with hot water, a toaster, микроволновка, 2 moving floor fans, 4 crystal ashtrays, black and white towels for hands, big банные towels. As to meal then Джей Ло salami cutting, деликатесные a ham and a turkey, the Swiss and American cheeses, a long loaf of a white loaf and, whenever possible, fresh Cuban bread, a mango, green grapes without stones, pineapple, a sweet melon, a water-melon, a strawberry, carrots, a celery, a broccoli, tomatoes черри, lemon segments, sauce «Ранч», soft chocolate cookies, packing of sunflower sunflower seeds David's or Planters (crude), the big packing of potato chips with sour cream and an onions on a dish is required, packing cheese начос Doritos on a dish, the big flat dish of crackers Ritz, usual chocolate M& M's, tiny батончики Snickers and Hershey (in a small amount), four packings of chewing elastic band Dentyne Ice Spearmint. The breakfast for 10 persons should be разогрет naturally and should contain eggs, pancakes, sausage, a ham from a turkey, bacon, various kinds of bread, toasts, products from cereals, coffee, various fresh juice, milk (integral and degreased) and soya milk.

And here for eight dancers fruit, cheese and bread are ordered only.

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