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понедельник, 3 января 2011 г.

Removal of stains

removal of stains the Elementary way of removal of stains on clothes: to moisten with a warm soap solution a tooth-brush (rag) and to wipe place preliminary cleared of a dust with a stain. Then to wash out pure water, to iron.

Before cleaning delete a brush a dust from a product. To a stain enclose from a wrong side a plate fitted in some layers by a pure white rag. A plate insert between a lining and a fabric.

FATTY STAINS are deduced by gasoline, turpentine, acetone. Fresh stains before cleaning iron not strongly нагретым an iron through 2—3 layers of a blotting paper, having enclosed it under a stain. Then a stain definitively clean gasoline or a spot remover. In the same way deduce stains from wax, stearin — only after глажения a stain wipe денатурированным spirit. That "aura" was not formed, the stain should be cleaned from edges to the middle and after wetting by gasoline to cover with the combined blotting paper and to press down a warm iron.

Inveterate fatty stains delete at first gasoline, then soap.

STAINS FROM FRUIT : fresh it is possible to deduce hot water. Preliminary the stain is better for taking in hot milk, and only then to wash out. Inveterate stains deduce a solution lemon (щавелевой) acids (2 grammes on a water glass), then carefully wash out warm water. If nevertheless there are painted stains apply (to white fabrics) peroxide of hydrogen with liquid ammonia (1 teaspoon on a glass of hot water), then wash out water. Stains from fruit can be washed slightly warmed up денатурированным spirit.

STAINS FROM RED WINE And BERRIES : deduce, as well as stains from fruit. Stains on colour products well are deleted by a mix of glycerine with a crude egg yolk (1:1). Smear with this mix a stain and leave at some o'clock, then wash out warm water.

On fresh stains from red wine (berries) it is recommended to fill damp table salt and after a while to wash out soap water. It is possible to presoak in milk or whey and to wash. From white products of a stain it is possible to delete also hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon on 1/2 glasses of water), after removal the cleared place wash out cold water.


Fresh stains easily leave a soap solution with the subsequent washing by warm water. Inveterate stains impregnate by means of cotton wool with warm glycerine and after a while rinse warm water. Stains from thin silk fabrics are well deduced by a mix of equal quantities of glycerine and water with the additive of several drops of liquid ammonia. But before to use this mix, check up, whether the fabric fades. From woollen fabrics of a stain deduce a glycerine and liquid ammonia solution in water (on a glass of water of 20 grammes of glycerine and 10 grammes of liquid ammonia). After cleaning it is a place wash out warm умягченной water, dry and iron.

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