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понедельник, 3 января 2011 г.

New about Vassa

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Critics named Vassa Concept Collection «East Meets West» the strongest display on RFW.

Васса – one of the most successful designers in Russia whose brand Vassa& Co there are 9 years. «East Meets West» - the collection of the international level ranking with the best conceptual collections of the western designers.

critics were amazed with innovative game of vanguard and classical forms and easy elegance of images, not analysis of details and the description of separate elements, and that strong and integral impression which was made by an image of a collection as a whole was the main thing for them. Demonstration of a collection has been deprived already set the teeth on edge Russian эпатажности and гламурности.

the Telestar Ooze Канделаки, making comments on display Vassa Concept Collection «East Meets West», has noted: «It is very unusual, bright urbanistic collection. If you wish to be allocated, show the individuality - a new collection from VASSA a fine choice!»

singer Natalia Podolskaja admitted: « I very much love black-and-white clothes. It is considered to be, that this classical combination. Quite often I dress a so-called black bottom and white top - a shirt and trousers. In last collection VASSA «East Meets

West» especially it would be desirable to note geometrical forms of clothes. The class and unexpected decision of colour and the form ».

Cреди visitors of display and afterparty general producer RFW Alexander Shumsky, the Head of National chamber of Italian fashion Марио Бозелли, the editor-in-chief of magazine L'officiel Evelina Hromchenko, TV presenter Elena Ishcheeva, actress Anastas Kalmanovich, the editor-in-chief of magazine Sosmopolitan Elena Vasileva, TV presenter Svetlana Konegen, model Emilija Vishnevskaya, businessman Boris Zosimov, victualer Alexander Smelyansky, TV presenter Maryanna Maksimovskaja, Andrey Semashko (group" Word-play "and many other things have been noticed.


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