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воскресенье, 2 января 2011 г.

In boutique TEREXOV the exhibition of retroornaments will take place


the Sponsor of action became company SPARITUAL which is letting out professional cosmetic SPA a line of a class lux, intended for a manicuring, feet and a body.

The exhibition of ornaments 20-70 of the last century in style ar-deko, a retro and pop art will pass from November, 1st, till February, 1st, 2009. Bracelets with a thong-chain armour, the big brooch with the open frame, fluttering metal round one large кабошона in stylistics of Eugene of Joseph, combining freedom of forms and a variety of geometrical contours. A brooch in vegetative motives a-lja Эльза Шиапарелли, bright large cherries from plastic - a heritage of an epoch of Andy Uorholla and another винтажная costume jewellery. Each product has been specially selected for presentation by Alexander Terekhov. The assortment will vary every week. Observing updating of ornaments in boutique TEREXOV, you can track development of history of a jeweller fashion and study spiritual horizons and secret back streets of soul of true judges of a fashion of the last century.

Buyers of ornaments will receive gifts for care of self from SPARITUAL. Cosmetics SPARITUAL has certificate ECOCERT confirming, that as a part of preparations contains not less than 83 % of organic components of a phytogenesis.

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View Image Details]"> bijou.jpg

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