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вторник, 4 января 2011 г.

The Ideal woman eyes of men


Research centre SuperJob. ru in search of the answer to an eternal question has spent interrogation among men.

It appears, according to the majority of the Russian men, the ideal woman and the wife first of all should be clever and beautiful, however in women they appreciate kindness and charm whereas for the wife it is more important to be true and economic more.

46 % of Russians are assured, that the woman should possess intelligence, show flexibility of mind, but inadvertently, not to offend the companion. For the wife mind in the head of a corner was put only by 29 %.

Beauty only on the second place, but external data captiously, from the form of a nose to hair are estimated. 38 % of men are convinced, that beauty - the important advantage of the woman and 21 % - wives.

20 % while for the wife it is quality have stood up for kindness of the woman consider important only 14 %. But for the spouse fidelity (20 %) while from the woman demand fidelity of 16 % is important.

Feminity in girlfriends is appreciated by 12 % of men, and for wives, probably, this characteristic not so is important - less than 5 %. But for sensuality and sexuality both from beloveds, and from lawful wives wait on 10 % exactly.

Economy of the lawful spouse 20 % of men, and only appreciate 9 % - at the girlfriend. For ability to love for the spouse 17 % of men have expressed, and for the girlfriend it is less important - 5 %.

Other qualities necessary for the ideal woman, include: patience, honesty, attentiveness, tenderness and tenderness, presence of a parent instinct,

And 11 % of men have noted - the main thing to fall in love, and the rest will be unimportant!

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