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воскресенье, 2 января 2011 г.

The Future without an osteoporosis!


In Moscow at support of leading experts in the field of preventive maintenance and osteoporosis treatment there has passed a round table «the Future without an osteoporosis».

Social and economic consequences of the crises caused by an osteoporosis, because of population ageing increases all over the world, and osteoporosis preventive maintenance became one of the basic priorities in health protection sphere in many countries. At a meeting leading Russian experts discussed questions of preventive maintenance and osteoporosis treatment, including, communication with reception кальцийсодержащих preparations.

As the professor, the head of the centre on preventive maintenance of osteoporosis ГУ ИР have told Benevolensky Lydia Ivanovna , the Russian Academy of Medical Science, and Rodionova Svetlana Semenovna , д. м.н., the professor, vice-president РАОП, the head of scientifically-practical centre OP TSITO, an osteoporosis is "silent" epidemic of 21 centuries which can not have an effect for years. Death rate owing to an osteoporosis is on 3 place after a heart attack and a stroke. For today in Russia of women of 30 % and 20 % of men after 50 years suffer this disease, approximately as much have the lowered density of a bone fabric. The most sad consequences of an osteoporosis is a strong painful syndrome, crisis of a neck of a hip and the vertebras, causing huge sufferings the patient. Thus the majority of patients after crisis of a neck of a hip die in first three months. 70 % of the patients getting to hospitals with crises - patients to an osteoporosis. And, recently cases остеопоротических crises not only a hip neck, but also long and small bones even more often began to appear. Such crises long do not grow together and treated worse the usual. But the most disturbing signal is that we now observe crises already and at children because of a shortage of peak bone weight ».

There are ways to avoid these troubles. Rozhinsky Lyudmila Jakovlevna , д. м.н., зав. отделением нейроэндокринологии and остеопатий ФГУ «Endokrinologichesky centre of science Росмедтехнологий Минзравсоцразвития the Russian Federation», the chairman of the Moscow society on an osteoporosis, Т оропцова Natalia Vladimirovna , д. м.н., the senior scientific employee of the Center of preventive maintenance of osteoporosis Минздавсоцразвития the Russian Federation of department эпидемиологии and genetics of rheumatic diseases ГУ «Institute of rheumatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Science», Marchenkova Larissa Aleksandrovna , к. м.н., the senior lecturer of chair эндокринологии ФУВ МОНИКИ - all unanimously assert, that the osteoporosis often is a consequence of increase of a standard of living which is accompanied by insufficient physical activity, a wrong food etc. osteoporosis Preventive maintenance is an active way of life and the use of enough of calcium and vitamin Д which should be begun with the pre-natal period. The calcium source is, basically, dairy and sour-milk products. However in a modern society of it not to reach, therefore are developed modern кальцийсодержащие preparations. In an organism of women to which recommendations about eutrophy have been given, the quantity of calcium has increased only by 134 mg, and in group where women accepted кальцийсодержащие preparations, calcium level in blood has settled into shape.

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