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понедельник, 3 января 2011 г.

Crimson jam

It is published Alina, Belgorod in ср, 15/07/2009 - 12:57

Jam from a raspberry

On 1 kg of a raspberry - 1 kg of sugar are Most suitable for jam of grade Усанка, Мальборо,

The excellent. Berries is advised to take not absolutely ripe, but at the same time bright colouring and fragrant enough. The raspberry often happens is amazed by larvae crimson жучка. Therefore a raspberry in the beginning lower minutes on 10 - 15 in a table salt solution (the Teaspoon on a water glass) and then wash with pure cold water. It is necessary for Malines to touch, take out a core, to lay berries on a dish,

To fall asleep half of quantity of the sugar taken for cooking, and to put on 5 - 6 hours per a cold place. From the juice formed on a dish and sugar to weld a syrup and it is a little to cool. In a ready syrup to put a raspberry, a basin cautiously to stir up, that berries have plunged into a syrup, and again to put to cook to the necessary density of a syrup.


It is published Эльза, Moscow in ср, 15/07/2009 - 13:01


500 г raspberries, 500 г a gooseberry, 800 г sugar.

Gooseberry to wash up, dry, knead a wooden spoon and to cook on weak fire until the weight will not start to get thick. From half of berries of a raspberry to wring out juice in separate ware (it reduces quantity of seeds in jam). When the gooseberry will thicken, to add the whole berries of a raspberry, crimson juice, sugar and to cook to readiness.

Hot jam to pour in the prepared banks and to pasteurise at temperature 95-100 °С about 10-20 minutes.


It is published Бабай in вт, 21/07/2009 - 12:17

The Recipe original.


It is published the Barbarian, Рубежное in пн, 01/02/2010 - 14:10

The Pie with crimson foam

To shake up within 8-10 minutes 125 г a butter with 200 г powdered sugar. Gradually to add 2 yolks, 2 items of a spoon of milk in which it is dissolved 0,5 ч. Soda spoons, and 200 г torments. To spread the dough a uniform layer in the big form for a pie or round противне диамтром 28-30 sm and to bake in moderate нагретом a wind case to is pale-golden colour. To overturn the baked layer upside down on a dish and to allow to cool down completely. To shake up 2 fibers with 250 г powdered sugar and to add 250 г preliminary kneaded ripe raspberry. To shake up a mix until it will not increase considerably in sizes and will not become the dense. To put the received foam on the baked layer.


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