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воскресенье, 16 января 2011 г.

The Healthy way of life conducts to genetic changes

© Female magazine "Charm" 2004-2010

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суббота, 15 января 2011 г.

Is better to have a rest in March

© Female magazine "Charm" 2004-2010

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the Materials placed in section "the Love and sex" are not recommended for viewing to the persons who have not reached 18 years.

Vlad Topalov has decided to marry

© Female magazine "Charm" 2004-2010

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Dmitry Gluhovsky about foreign languages and girls


Dmitry Gluhovsky - the young and perspective writer who has had time to learn five foreign languages to travel all globe, and since recent time and becomes leaders of the program «Fantastic breakfast» on Internet channel PostTV.

- Dmitry, you know five foreign languages. How have learnt them?

- Me have given to the French special school, then since twelve years I learnt English. Hardly has gone later to study to Israel and there has mastered a Hebrew. In some years has got over to Germany, therefore it was necessary to understand with German. Well and then I worked in France on television channel EuroNews where also has had time to learn and Spanish. Many of my colleagues on EuroNews have been convinced, that I the spy because other explanations to that Russian speaks in six languages, they did not see.

- If you had time to visit in стольких the countries, tell to us in that case where there live the most beautiful girls?

- I in general gravitate to a southern type - burning brunettes to me more close platinum blondes. Therefore, probably, in my opinion, beauties live in Italy. Israelis too are very beautiful: fragile, fine-moulded, with eyes huge, as at fallow deer. But to compatriots to search happiness abroad I did not advise - by all other criteria our girls are pulled out on three steps forward. And by the way, in bed for any basic distinctions to wait it is not necessary - unless whisper on an ear there in French (smiles).

- You conduct the program «Fantastic breakfast» on Internet channel PostTV. To whom has the idea of creation of this project come to mind?

- The idea of the program belongs to Vasily Brovko whom «Apostle Media of Groups» and television channel PostTV is the general director. The concept was pleasant to me, and as a result the popular and informative program with leading scientists and experts from different areas has turned out: from design to bacteriology and from cookery to architecture. It is interesting to me to communicate with people who feel confidence of the today, much have achieved yesterday and know, that we should expect from tomorrow.

- Dmitry, you simultaneously are the writer conducting, also worked on radio. Can tell, what, all the same, to you is closer?

- Probably, books and to some extent cinema.

- Well and at last tell to us, the status of the known writer helps with dialogue with girls?

- At first you get acquainted with the girl, then to it something tell, fascinate, and when she has read your book, it already has a sensation as if she knows you. If the book was pleasant to it, the girl has already created a romantic image and at acquaintance looks at you the obscured look. The glory, of course, very much helps with this business. But I have a suspicion, that everything, that men do, they do to become successful at women as without you, my dear, neither the glory, nor money in itself have no value (smiles).

At Natasha Korolevoj a holiday

© Female magazine "Charm" 2004-2010

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Results of a master class of a list of a fabric. Gentle patterns on a thin batic


In Kolomna there has passed a master class for children with the limited possibilities. Together with the teacher children mastered uneasy skill of a list of a fabric. The turned out pictures - the future gifts for mums.

Glory Власов of a brush in hands took for the first time. Admits, it was difficult, but it is interesting. When on a silk fabric the first picture began to appear, Glory has resolved - he will present to her mother. GLORY ВЛАСОВ: "Yes, I think, that it is pleasant to mum".

Glory and other children from the rehabilitation centre, the artist Irina Zolotuhina (www. batik-elit. narod. ru), has acquainted with one of kinds of a manual list on a fabric - a batic. Known since ancient times, this art was considered sacred and was used for manufacturing оберегов. To represent on the talismans young creators have solved flowers and butterflies.

НАСТЯ ПЕХОВА: "Even, when on it you will look at once becomes more cheerful".

For the artist, as well as for children, all was for the first time. For the first time spent a master class for children, for the first time it was convinced, children are much more capable adults.

IRINA ЗОЛОТУХИНА, the ARTIST: "When with children you work, they somehow in another way perceive, with them it is easier and more interesting, other energy, is more than openness".

Some times in a month the Kolomna centre of rehabilitation for children is led by excursions and master classes. Last time children went in Приокско - Terrasky reserve, got acquainted with bisons. Teachers help to find new friends and to arrive in educational institutions. But the main problem - the further employment. Near to a city only one enterprise, ready to take on service of the person with the limited possibilities.

Natalia PETROV, ПРЕПОДОВАТЕЛЬ In the KOLOMNA CITY CENTER of REHABILITATION of INVALIDS, Kolomna: "Are arranged on the enterprise or take work on the house that is very convenient, there are children with diseases which do not allow to be in one place long..."

After a master class many children have decided to be engaged in a list seriously. Bright paints have helped to create the light and kind world in which they can embody all dreams and imaginations.

Maria Revina, Kolomna, Moscow suburbs news.

Black tea rescues from a diabetes

© Female magazine "Charm" 2004-2010

Edition does not bear a maintenance responsibility of advertisements and articles. The opinion of authors can not coincide with the point of view of edition.

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the Materials placed in section "the Love and sex" are not recommended for viewing to the persons who have not reached 18 years.

East horoscope on years - Year of the Dog

year of a dog Coming 2006 on east calendar will be Year of the Dog. You will be uneasy for the future, are pessimistic. Will keep on the alert, also are executed good will and are magnanimous. The year favorable for shifts to the left, for magnanimous certificates. It will be, good for the child of the Dog, if that is born not at night not to stand guard all life.

The RAT - If to be engaged not in the love, and affairs, will be good for it.

The BULL - Is not present, it is not satisfied, year not for it... The Future is expected gloomy, and «this modern youth... Followed it take in hand!". Suffer a little, and all to be adjusted.

The TIGER - Uneasy, but not enterprising, is full of eagerness. It is possible to count on it, beginning great affairs.

The CAT - It too is not quiet. Accepts the safety measures and politicises a little.

The DRAGON - Can do all. It will be always ready to action, dexterous, magnanimous, shining... But this year will be doubtful for it.

The SNAKE - For it too this year uneasy... She of what is not assured, even in the feelings. Aspires to another, but it is too lazy to operate.

The GOAT - Everyone is too occupied by itself(himself) really to think of the Goat. She feels left.

The MONKEY - is too clever really to worry. She will wait up to the end... Some financial difficulties.

The COCK - parades Are terminated... It is destroyed. This year it will have big monetary difficulties.

СОБАKA - At it modest triumph. She does not trust in the grandfather of the Frost, but each effort justifies itself.

The HORSE - is too selfish to worry about others. Will assiduously work for the sake of own well-being.

The PIG - Its finance in a good condition, it is not unfortunate, at it the peace period. She approves the Dog, but accepts not enough participation in all.

Contraceptive means change consciousness of the woman

© Female magazine "Charm" 2004-2010

Edition does not bear a maintenance responsibility of advertisements and articles. The opinion of authors can not coincide with the point of view of edition.

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the Materials placed in section "the Love and sex" are not recommended for viewing to the persons who have not reached 18 years.

The Habit «заедать» the stress leads still большему to stress


English scientists have found out, that we test feeling of hunger under the influence of recently open hormone грелина.

This opening allows to explain, at last, why many people because of nerves have an insuperable desire densely to eat.

It has appeared, that developed at stress кортизол stimulates hormone emission грелина which reminds us that is time to be supported. But if in a usual situation such reminder is necessary for us, at stress it is false and compels us is while the food is not necessary to an organism. Therefore instead of «заедать» stress, with it it is necessary to struggle. The help in it to mankind long since was rendered by herbs, for example, mint peppery, a balm and валериана, a part of demulcent Персен. To disregard stress it is impossible also because it often leads to a sleeplessness which, in turn, stimulates development грелина even more. As a result of this strengthened hormonal blow the person inevitably starts to overeat and types weight that forces it to be nervous even more. So to break off this vicious circle it is better right at the beginning - while it has not become isolated yet.

The Information is given by Bogaudinovoj Svetlana Rifkatovnoj, Department on work from mass-media

"PR-Premier" Mix-Marketing Communications Group.

To Sergey Kapitsa исполянется 80

© Female magazine "Charm" 2004-2010

Edition does not bear a maintenance responsibility of advertisements and articles. The opinion of authors can not coincide with the point of view of edition.

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the Materials placed in section "the Love and sex" are not recommended for viewing to the persons who have not reached 18 years.

The French plaits

the french plait the FRENCH PLAIT LAID In the form of ОБРУЧА 

        If you have learnt to do the French plait easily will cope with this model in which the French plait is laid over a head in the form of a hoop. Such hairdress ideally approaches for a curly hair which curly falls beautifully stream on shoulders. And nbsp;

        MATERIALS: the fitted elastic band, шпильки 

        PERFORMANCE: to Make a hair parting across the top part of a head from an ear to an ear. To fix clips hair not participating in work. To collect all hair from a forward part of a head on one party, to comb a brush, beginning from the left ear, then on top of a head and to the right ear and further on all length of hair. To start to do the French plait from the left ear and to continue in a cross-section direction by the top part of a head to the right ear. From the right ear to do a simple plait on all length of hair and to fix its end the fitted elastic band. To lay a simple plait on head top near to the French plait. To tuck in the ends of a simple plait under French and to fix hairpins. To weaken a forward plait a hairbrush with the long thin handle. Hair behind a hoop from plaits slightly to comb for volume creation. And nbsp;

        the PLAIT FISH ХВОСТ 

        the Beautiful poured fish tail, or a cone, is perfectly looked on direct dense and brilliant hair. The given way of weaving of a plait provides light reflexion in all directions, creating effect of light. For solemn occasions it is possible to decorate a hairdress with pastes (are on sale in bags in shops). Them paste to hairpins and have in any order on all length of a plait. And nbsp;

        MATERIALS: the fitted elastic band, an ornament for волос 

        PERFORMANCE to Comb all hair back. To start weaving to separate two thin locks of the hair, one from the left temple and one from the right. Each lock should be thickness about 2,5 see Working on the back party of a head, to cross locks-right over the left. Holding locks the right hand and pressing them to a head to grasp the left hand a new lock from under the left lock. The new lock should be the same size, as previous. A new left lock to cross with the right lock, having imposed it from above and to press to a head the left hand. The right hand to grasp a new lock on the right side. To cross a new right lock with the left increased lock, imposing it from above and to press to a head the right hand. To repeat stages 3-5 to a neck. To continue to spin the fish tail, extending locks from under a horse tail and crossing them on the centre. (Though hair have not been fixed by an elastic band, all of them will equally fall along a back in the form of a horse tail.) to fix the end of a plait the fitted elastic band. At desire it is possible to pin an ornament for hair.

пятница, 14 января 2011 г.

In Moscow the first boutique of shoe mark John Lobb will open

© Female magazine "Charm" 2004-2010

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the Materials placed in section "the Love and sex" are not recommended for viewing to the persons who have not reached 18 years.

Luster – how many in grammes?


Mediaguide. ru has carried out holiday research of the market of luster.

We have got used for a long time, that in beautiful fashionable magazine to advertising almost as much, how many the information. On that it and luster that there were bright pictures. How many real weight advertising in thick and heavy glossy magazines occupies?

Despite crisis, glossy magazines in advertising in 2009 have not lost. On the first place there was magazine Instyle with result of 1400 gramme, from which 560 gramme – advertising. In a three of leaders also L’Officiel (1200 gramme and 480 gramme of advertising) and Vogue (1050 gramme and 420 gramme of advertising). In comparison with last year, these editions rather have dumped in weight – almost on a half a kilogramme everyone.

Among female magazines more the general orientation superiority keeps Elle (1250 gramme and an advertising half a kilogramme), the second and third places at Cosmopolitan and Marie Claire (1050 gramme and 750 gramme accordingly).

Among man's magazines on first place Maxim (1200 gramme and 480 gramme of advertising). The silver prize-winner – GQ (900 gramme and 360 gramme of advertising. On the third place has settled down Esquire (750 gramme and 300грамм advertising).

Most easy, as well as last year, there were youth editions, among which Yes! (300 gramme). The second and third places divide Elle Girl (200 gramme) and Joy (200 gramme).


How to sew a cover for skewers?

© Female magazine "Charm" 2004-2010

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the Materials placed in section "the Love and sex" are not recommended for viewing to the persons who have not reached 18 years.

Cosmetology and a guelder-rose

It is published the Lady of Dee in пн, 14/11/2005 - 11:00

I practised such masks, at me a fat skin. But I wished to tell, that after these masks, as well as after a mask from a cherry it is important to rinse the person with the acidified water, differently dye eats deeply during a time.


It is published Эльвира, Khanty-Mansiysk in пн, 14/11/2005 - 11:00

Guelder-rose Fruits are a medical product at a hypertension. Their consumption strengthens сократительную ability of a cardiac muscle, reduces cholesterol in blood; they are used at простудных diseases, a bronchial asthma, bleedings, illnesses of a liver, a stomach ulcer and 12-perstnoj guts, колитах, diarrheas, as an easy diuretic.

Broth of a bark of the guelder-rose prepared in the spring, is used as кровоостанавливающее means, and broth цветков apply to digestion improvement, at резях and intestines spasms, diarrheas, as отхаркивающее and a sudorific, at diseases of female bodies.


It is published Galina, Konstantinovka in пн, 02/02/2009 - 18:52

It is possible to make jelly Of a guelder-rose. Take fresh berries. Remove them from brushes and carefully wash out flowing water. Then put in the enameled pan, add a few waters (so that it slightly covered a pan bottom) and put on slow fire on 10 — 15 minutes. When berries will a little cool down, wipe the received weight through a colander with small holes to separate stones and skins. In the received juice add sugar in a proportion 1:1. Carefully mix and boil thoroughly on slow fire 10 — 20 minutes, all time stirring slowly. When it slightly will cool down, pour on sterile glass jars and roll up the boiled covers. Be stored such jelly some years can. Use it as a cough remedy, besides, it also very tasty thing!


Men will spend for gifts by March, 8th more than women by February, 23rd

© Female magazine "Charm" 2004-2010

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Habensky again has found love?

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Diana Gurtskaja became the person of new perfume Dxintars

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61st International film festival in Cannes was opened by pandas

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The Mobile phone will watch over health of the owner

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Charming news go to you!

carrier pigeon Female magazine "Charm" represents to your attention

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Russians have complained of bad habits of associates

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Avto-Moto Bikini 2009

bik. jpg

«AVTO-MOTO BIKINI 2009» will pass in this year on August, 21-23st in boarding house «Solar glade» on the bank of the Moskva River in picturesque places near to Звенигорода.

The union of motorcyclists of Russia and club VETERANS mc prepare for visitors «AVTO-MOTO BIKINI 2009» the scale entertaining program including performances of the Russian and foreign musicians, professional stuntmen, дефиле models, competitions for bikers and spectators, film presentation «AVTO-MOTO BIKINI 2008», grandiose fireworks, laser show, костюмированный a carnival, Fire Theatre, performance of masters of an original genre, an exhibition of exclusive samples автомототехники, and also the erotic show program from the best Moscow stripteases-clubs and many other things.

Column formation will begin at 17.00 on August, 21st on 48th kilometre of Novorizhsky highway; at 18.00 - start to a carrying out place; at 21.00 - official opening of festival - a colourful show with a carnival, faer-show, fireworks. The entertaining program will proceed performances of musicians which will alternate competitions and draws of prizes, and also fascinating tricks in execution of professional stuntmen. To sleep visitors «AVTO-MOTO BIKINI 2009» will go only at daybreak.

Next day visitors of festival are expected by weight of entertainments for all tastes: performances of the Russian and foreign musicians, demonstration performances of the best stuntmen, film presentation «AVTO-MOTO BIKINI 2008». Visitors of festival will have an opportunity to show the talents in various motor-competitions and not only. But the main intrigue of festival becomes competition «AVTO-MOTO BIKINI 2009» in which 150 fine participants will struggle for the main prize - $10 000.

This day grandiose celebratory salute will crown. Those who is not intended to go to bed this night, the best Moscow DJ will please with the incendiary mixes, and the erotic show program from the best Moscow stripteases-clubs, undoubtedly, will not allow to close eyes even отъявленных fans to have a sleep.

On Sunday, on August, 23rd, official closing of this grandiose show at 12.00 will take place.

Changes and additions in the program, the journey scheme - www. avtomotobikini. ru .

In group "Cream" new persons

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Idea to remove continuation has caught «Союзмультфильм»

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четверг, 13 января 2011 г.

Salad from squids with cucumbers

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Rowenta represents new epilator Silence


the novelty has received Such name on casual.

Megacity Noise, eternal movement, vanity of day full of events … At times of each of us would be desirable to have a rest from become habitual a life rhythm, to plunge into silence and harmony atmosphere, to devote some minutes to care of self. However even these «instants of beauty» are frequently interfaced to noise – so, and with unpleasant sensations … to Take pleasure in precious minutes of serenity, silence and to make a skin ideally smooth to you the novelty from Rowenta – epilator Silence EP5420 from a collection "Golden Age" will help!

With the device from Rowenta process эпиляции becomes not simply effective, but improbably silent – now nothing will distract you from immersing in atmosphere of absolute silence, beauty and serenity. The secret is covered in unique system Silence: thanks to the double soundproof case and the special soft material surrounding the motor and extinguishing vibrations, the sound of epilator EP5420 is twice more silent, than at the previous models! To devote time to care of self, to take pleasure in minutes of silence and rest? With epilator Silence EP5420 anything is not present easier! Now nothing will irritate not only your skin, but also your hearing!

However «ability to keep silence» – not unique advantage of an epilator from Rowenta. With this reliable device you will be always assured of faultless result. The nozzle of bikini-trimmer entering into the complete set will help you to give to a bikini zone a desirable contour. To look ideal in any linen – whether about it you dreamt? Besides, Silence EP5420 will help you to make smooth even a gentle skin of the most delicate zones: nozzles for эпиляции delicate zones (armpits and bikini) will perfectly cope with a task in view. And to reach the best result, take advantage of a nozzle for a peeling.

Silence – gold? Yes, and new epilator Silence EP5420 from Rowenta, executed in colour yellow gold, only confirms it. Unique system Silence and the complete set of nozzles which will help to make your skin really faultless, – all does it эпиляцию with the new device of world famous DM not only effective, but also surprisingly silent. Rowenta will open to you an easy, pleasant and comfortable way to beauty!


October – month of struggle against a breast cancer


Here already more than 20 years October is considered World month of struggle against a breast cancer.

At this time in the majority of the countries the public and charitable organisations spend a large quantity of actions within the limits of the international program «Month of struggle against a mammary gland cancer» . Charitable marches, concerts, fashionable displays, dinners and suppers, and also auctions, conferences, trainings and many other things... The diversified means Are involved to overcome this terrible disease which annually carries away more than 400 thousand lives.

Many stars, the breasts which have gone through a cancer, - Кайли Миноуг, Анастейша, Sheril Crowe, Lynn Redgrave , - were not afraid to speak about it publicly. They have told the histories, trying to draw attention of the public to this problem and to support women to whom this diagnosis is made. This year the personal experience of struggle against an illness declared a serial and film star «Sex in the big city» - Sintija Nixon . Mammografichesky inspections which it regularly passed, have helped to reveal a cancer at an early stage that has rescued a life, health and beauty of the actress and mother of two children. «If it once also happens, this best time when illness could be found out. A tumour have found at an early stage, and it means much», - has declared Синтия.

As Galina Korzhenkova tells , the doctor-mammolog, the adviser of the charitable program «Together against a breast cancer», modern hi-tech diagnostic programs on early diagnostics of a cancer of a mammary gland allow to find out illness at an early stage. Early revealing of a cancer is a main condition of full recover. Each woman, the girl, the girl should hear it. «The cancer is not a sentence!!! It is usual illness which it is necessary and it is possible to treat and win!!!».

To be the breast assured in health, each woman should visit annually the doctor-mammologa, time in 1-2 years to do ultrasonic of mammary glands, and after 40 years - маммографию. Besides, it is necessary every month, in the first week after the termination monthly, to spend breast self-inspection - independent прощупывание which will help to reveal deviations.

Do not postpone visiting of the doctor for tomorrow - directly today register to маммологу!

To learn, how celebrities struggle with mammary gland diseases, and also to set any questions on health and beauty of a breast you can, having addressed by phone of a free hot line «Together for the sake of a life» which operates in frameworks the charitable program «Together against a breast cancer»: 8-800-200-70-07 (for Russia) and (495 783-70-07 (for Moscow) - or on a site www. avon-protivraka. ru

Day without movement!

остеопароз «the Life demands movements» - so Aristotle in IV century BC With the same appeal spoke experts of the program «to the Osteoporosis have addressed - are not present!» To the journalists of the leading editions who have gathered in the end of April in club "Duets" at press evening Fitness-Day.

To us often it seems, that to a bone - a support of all body, to them can occur nothing, but after 30 years calcium gradually starts to be washed away from them, they start to lose durability. Completely to stop this process not in our forces. But to make so that it it was slowed down, we can.

Мкртумян Ашот Мусаелович, the expert of the program «to the Osteoporosis - is not present!», the professor, the doctor of medical sciences managing chair эндокринологии and диабетологии МГМСУ: «We now turn to people not going if it is possible so to say. You look, how many on roads of cars, how many in general transport! We practically do not go: before work, to shops by the car, in the underground we go only to the escalator, in houses and offices we do not go on a ladder, and we rise on the lift. And all it is fraught with an osteoporosis -« silent epidemic "." Silent »because about it learn, as a rule, when there is a first crisis. And preventive maintenance thus, simple enough: a healthy way of life, the products rich with calcium, refusal of smoking, alcohol, physical activity. Moderate physical exercises - one of the best means of preventive maintenance. Improving sports or fitness has more serious influence on formation of bone weight, than wearisome, professional sports. Fitness will not return the lost bone weight, but will help to generate a reliable support from a muscular fabric. Modifying a way of life, it is possible to avoid the big problems with health in the future. But before going in for sports, it is necessary to be convinced, that you do not have to it contra-indications - to pass inspection at experts and денситометрию, allowing quickly, it is safe and to define with high accuracy mineral density of a bone fabric».

Vorontsova Elena, the instructor in fitness: «As osteoporosis preventive maintenance any shock loadings, power, and also fitness any kind will approach. And it is necessary for who already has preconditions to illness development« fragile bones »to exclude any кардионагрузки, run, jumps and step-aerobics as all it can lead to crisis. The best preventive maintenance of an osteoporosis are walking, at least 30 minutes in day. The step should be measured and quiet, it is not necessary to run anywhere. Also swimming and small shock movements are useful to area of a bone by which it is necessary to do, using only easy dumbbells and exercises on balance. Also it is necessary to consult with experts that exercises were of use only and strengthened health».

On all questions connected with preventive maintenance and osteoporosis treatment it is possible to address on a hot line 8-800-200-05-78 (phone for regions) and 785-05-78 (phone for Moscow), and also on the Internet site www. osteoporosu. net . Advisers of a hot line - leading Russian rheumatologists, traumatologists, эндокринологи, dieticians.

For the additional information address, please,

To Svetlana Meleshko (smel@ag-loyalty. com) or Tatyana Donskoj (tdon@ag-loyalty. com) (495 290-43-43, 290-50-35

61st International film festival in Cannes was opened by pandas

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среда, 12 января 2011 г.

Useful on the first the sight, harmful actually

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It is useful for Women to worry

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The Fourth award «Person of month» Face. ru: stars, backs and shoes

Unexpectedly it was last warm evening of leaving summer. Even in the afternoon on August, 27th it was as in autumn fresh, and to hours to eight on a city the soft summer languor from which we already have absolutely weaned lately has fallen. And just by eight o'clock in restaurant Cafe Cipollino visitors of the Fourth award «Person of month» Face. ru began to gather.

As we remember, this time the idea of a holiday was opposite the previous populous ceremony which has passed by ship River Palace, rolling visitors on night the Moskva River. The fourth award has been declared as chamber, only for the close friends of the project, that, however, all the same has not helped to avoid a considerable quantity wishing to get on a party. Selection really was severe: protection on action has not started up Oksana Robski which name was not in the list of visitors.

The space has been decided to break into three zones: for the press, the VIP and it is direct for ceremony. Here and we will break our memoirs into three parts...

Let's open the smartest - an official part. As usually, Ooze Канделаки supervised over all action. For possibility to become «the Person of month» Face. ru six girls who have achieved the highest ratings on a site in last month competed: Xenia Tsaregorodtseva, Natalia Agekjan, Юлианна Сардар, Anna Morozova, Ekaterina Vikulina and Julianna Kozin. The jury choice (the editor-in-chief of magazine Maxim Alexander Malenkov, the theatrical artist and producer Paul Kaplevich, TV presenter Irena For fun, actress Maria Kozhevnikova, vijay MTV Alexander Anatolevich, DJ List and resident Comedy Сlub Sergey Bessmertnyj) was coming the uneasy: all nominees have appeared really very bright and interesting.

However, practically has from the very beginning managed to be allocated Natalia Agekjan: in competition of the fashionable images created by girls together with young Russian designers, it unique has appeared in short круизном a dress while competitors all were in evening dresses in a floor.

In competition of talents too has not done without originality - in person Vikulinoj Ekaterina. She has chosen magnanimity as talent and has refused the points in favour of another конкурсантки, Morozovoj Annas. Other girls have shown more classical sketches: singing, drawing, telling of fairy tales and ballet.

As a result the winner had been recognised Natalia Agekjan. Venomous Ooze has not failed to note bright appearance of the girl, having advised present not to stand with it nearby not to lose against.

At the height of evening in Cipollino TV presenter Andrey Malakhov living in the neighbourhood has glanced. Gaining the keys confiscated by Ooze which that has there and then lodged one of конкурсанток, ballerina Anna Morozovoj, Malakhov has gallantly got out of a situation and has simply invited the girl and its friend to admire a kind the Temple of the Christ of the Savior from a balcony of its apartment.

Berries struggle with excess weight

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That our lips will tell about us


Not only eyes can reflect essence of the person.

Физиогномисты also much can tell about the person, looking on his lips. And for certain it were men as in a lip woman's face remain one of the most sexual and attractive parts of the person.

so, we will start. Experts assert, that full female lips is a certificate of the raised sensuality and sexuality. Probably, therefore now, ladies often abuse "pumping" of lips. Owners of a large mouth not so much love and deep feelings is important, and possibility always to be the focus of attention. These girls terrible эгоцентристки also twist people as want. To girls with narrow lips carries in love less. But at them very strong temperament which never will break under oppression of circumstances. Such girls are able to supervise the emotions, but they are given out by densely compressed lips. These ladies like to subordinate people and to manipulate. Many of them become independent and even more often remain are lonely. If the upper lip is more thin bottom it can testify to frivolity of nature. Such girls are in eternal search of the next partner, seducing all successively. Любвеобильности and inconstancy with it not to occupy, as constantly it would be desirable new sensations. But if they meet the man of the dream remain are true to it till the end of a life. And here if the upper lip is fuller bottom it is a sign on that the girl is magnanimous and as much as possible natural. They will be lost in contemplation hardly of other men, at all thus cannot give up to itself in a coquetry. Such ladies are inclined to completeness and like to eat well. Still their weakness sex which they can erect in a cult. The asymmetric mouth causes hostility in many and it is considered a sign on bad, false people. These young ladies can deceive, spin intrigues and coolly go to the purpose. They will difficultly understand what in relations, hardly they will reveal before you. The big mouth on the one hand looks отталкивающе, with another it is very lovely. As a rule, such girls are opened and remove always pleasantly to spend time. To the man with such woman it will be easy, as it is ready to understand and accept its lacks always. Not smiling mouth, for example as at Гвинет Пэлтроу, as a rule, pushes away – not so it would be desirable to deal with constantly longing person. After all even if the girl it is very cheerful and sociable, at shape all the same is present грустинка because of the lowered corners of a mouth. These ladies it would be desirable to preserve and protect, therefore, they, as a rule, marry strong men.


вторник, 11 января 2011 г.

YA. PRELEST. COM - the JA-charm!


we Will make the world more charm together!

The Fourth award the PERSON of MONTH FACE. RU: a new secular season


High life of Moscow with last beams of the August sun revives after summer "drought".

The new season opens project FACE. RU - the fourth monthly award «Person of month».

This time FACE. RU has decided to refuse magnificent populous parties in favour of the closed chamber evening for the elite. Get to Italian restaurant "Чиполлино" on August, 27th the close friends of the project can only.

Leaders of the Fourth award become Ooze Канделаки and Alexey Chumakov. Ten girls-finalists will take part In ceremony: Pilnitskaya Daria, Tsaregorodtseva Xenia, Agekjan Natalia, Сардар Юлианна, Serebryakova Natali, Morozova Anna, Vikulina Ekaterina, Poljakova Evgenie, Vadlevsky Anastas and Kozina Yulianna. The first stage of competition as always will open «show of talents», the second problem of girls - to find from among participants FACE. RU of the designer which will prepare a dress specially for ceremony. The sense of final competition while is kept a secret.

In jury are invited: the general producer «СТС Media» Vyacheslav Murugov, the artist of theatre and cinema Paul Kaplevich, editor-in-chief Maxim Alexander Malenkov, the editor-in-chief of magazine StarHit and TV presenter Andrey Malakhov, editor-in-chief Cosmopolitan Elena Vasileva, editor-in-chief GQ Nikolay Uskov, telestar Masha Malinovskaja, TV presenter Irena For fun and resident Comedy Club. Moreover, this time each of them should prove the right to refereeing in the improvised competition of talents among judges.

In a break between competitions for visitors of ceremony resident Comedy club will act.

Secular evening will come to the end with performance of soul singer Teony Kontridze and after-party.

Cпециально for visitors of the fourth award «PERSON of MONTH» FACE. ru the head cook of restaurant Cafe Sippolino will prepare the author's menu in which will offer the refined mixture of a traditional Spanish cuisine, modern Mediterranean style and Asian minimalism.

All participants of the award "Person of Month" FACE. ru. Will receive the sea of prizes and gifts: a fascinating adventure from company PRESENT-SHOW - the leader in the market of unusual gifts, sets of professional American cosmetics for hair Sexy Hair, magnificent means for a body from company Egomania, the certificate from studio of elegant dresses AfterShock, unique corsets from studio Scorpio, status photo-books on unique technologies from Psquared, certificates on trips from company BIGTAXI and many other things!

The owner of the award «Person of month» for July of Ale Иванченкова, has finished the Moscow summer test drive on compartment-cabriolet VOLVO C70, the given exclusive automobile partner - company VOLVO CAR RUSSIA. The winner who will choose jury on August, 27th, will open an autumn season test drive on incendiary sport compartment VOLVO C30. By good tradition the car decorates the slogan «Today on FACE. RU - tomorrow on magnificent VOLVO!»

The general Information Sponsor of ceremony - MENU Magazine, General

The Vip-zone and the basic hall assume the reserve of tables which is carried out to reserv@mail. ru address or by phone +7(985) 960-67-77.

The Diet from Ани Поярковой

Today we will talk about symmetry secrets. I will tell to you about the exclusive diet!

Me often ask how I manage to be always in the good form. My main secret is, of course, regular jobs by dances: they give also inflow эндорфинов, and are well reflected in a figure. Dances are, perhaps, the most pleasant way to grow thin and look tightened.

But nevertheless sometimes physical activity, even such sated, does not suffice to find an ideal figure. I have a diet which gives real effect of all in some days and does not put harm to health. I advise to its all family who wish to throw off pair kg.

So, today I have decided to share with you a secret of mine an exclusive diet which allows to throw off 2 weeks prior to 10 kg.

Diet "Ka-hu-enga"

For half an hour before a breakfast drink a water glass.

the Breakfast

Leaves of salad and tomatoes черри, in unlimited quantity. Green tea.

the Dinner

the Fish baked in an oven. Without sauces and seasonings. Fried vegetable marrows. Without sauce and seasonings. Green tea.

the Mid-morning snack

2 handfuls of raisin. Green tea.

the Supper

6 small squares of bitter chocolate. Green tea.

the Note:

Last food intake should take place till 18 o'clock.

Green tea without additives can be drunk in unlimited quantity and after 18 hours.

Remember, this diet not a way of life. You can eat in a similar way 2-3 weeks. But then necessarily make a break, at least on couple of days, and indulge itself with your favourite products, only in small amounts. Here will see, from it the diet only will be more effective. Because if you, basically, exclude any products from your diet sooner or later you will break and will eat them in unlimited quantity. That, of course, there and then will affect a figure! Therefore we adhere to a rule: in all there should be a measure, and the diet should not be eternal and oppressing.

And at last, the main council: going on a diet, necessarily be engaged thus in sports or dances. First, it will accelerate result. Secondly, it will relieve your skin of ugly "saggings" which happen at people who have thrown off pair kg, but thus did not go in for sports.

The Harmonous figure to you, expensive readers!


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The Armchair-phantom - unlimited possibilities of processing of glass

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In England the girl with 50th size became the beauty queen

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Go on a life laughing!

«To be old it is not simply bad or good, sad or cheerful.

in an old age there is everything, as in all our life:

sometimes it is simple paradise, and more often — usual everyday life.

it is not necessary to complain in this occasion.

it is better to go on a life laughing, than crying »

hspace the Example of many people proves "pleasure", that in advanced years, despite illnesses and indispositions, quite, it is possible to feel pleasure from a life.

clear business, sooner or later an old age becomes a reality. Only the humour will help to concern it how she deserves that, — is not too serious. At an old age many the pleasant parties, and possibilities to be with it in a harmony are even more.

There are two categories of old men: «young old men» and «old old men».

In a category «the young old man» people from sixty five till hundred years can enter. The majority of psychologists consider what regularly to be engaged in physical exercises, to support normal weight, keeping to an elementary diet to conduct an active way of life, moreover to be able to laugh over itself is everything, that is necessary not to notice an old age.

Presence in character of such lines as friendliness and sociability, positively influence the cholesterol maintenance in blood and acidity of urine, raise activity of immune cages. If to concern a life with pleasure, love and humour, it is possible to prolong it considerably.

- It is necessary to enrich constantly itself the new ideas, the new knowledge, new acquaintances.

- To Aspire to receive it is as much as possible pleasure from a life – to visit exhibitions, theatre, cinema, zoos, to arrange houses children's morning performances for grandsons.

- It is very important not to become reserved, get acquainted with new people. Both old, and to new friends offer the help, find for them time.

- Try to show unlimited love even if actually you do not test it. Training, you we will find love.

- Express pleasure laughter, and affliction tears. When children to something rejoice, they sincerely laugh. When of it it is sick — they cry. Suppression of feelings and their displays more than something another, conducts to loss of forces.

- Simply be glad to something without any special reason.

- Do not worry that you can look a little childly.

Marc Jacobs has let out aroma to the Valentine's day

© Female magazine "Charm" 2004-2010

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Ксюша becomes mum?


News about pregnancy of the main blonde of the country has done a lot of noise, hardly having appeared.

Still – in fashion peak on children Xenia Sobchak who is recognised трендсеттером, stood aside till now the main social tendency. And after all and men worthy always surrounded the girl, and conditions all are – it would seem, to give birth and birth. But Собчак did not hurry up, waited. And, probably, Xenia Sobchak has waited …

does not get tired to excite the public not only the projects on TV, but also the rough private life. It is strange, that the girl, having experience in a writing of books, has not followed yet an example the close friend Andrey Malakhov who has published frank creation «My favourite blondes», and has not published something like «Xenia Sobchak's Public life». And it is valid, in biography Ксюши almost does not remain white stains, at least, if to speak about its mutual relations with men: « I even sms receive from men: with me a variant as with that and that, will not pass ».

is a nightmare, – Xenia admits, – I consider, that it is the big problem when the woman does not have secrets.

rupture Собчак with its last бойфрендом which many already perceived, as husband of a star, has done a lot of noise not only in secular circles, but also in mass-media. But soon the girl has given a new occasion to conversations: even more often the known blonde began to see under a hand with the former groom, businessman Alex Shustorovichem. It, by the way, has appeared and on a party in honour of birthday Собчак and Канделаки at restaurant KINKI.

But even news about reunion of effective pair would not be news, as that if not that moment, that at harmonous Xenia visitors have noticed rotundities around a waist. The girl looks happy but while officially on this information in any way does not make comments. In environment Собчак conversations go, that the child should appear in May of next year.


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Сиченики (3 recipes)

сиченики 1 recipe) Сиченики "Amateur". Meat to pass through a meat grinder, to connect with рубленым garlic, salt, pepper, water, it is good to beat out. To form flat cakes, on everyone to put an omelette slice, and on it to put the roasted onions, cautiously to curtail рулетиками, запанировать in crackers and to fry in hot fan. On a garnish to submit a fried potato, salty cucumbers, green peas.

500г beef

0,5 glasses of water

4 segments of garlic

1-2 bulbs

3 items of l. Fat

2 items of l. Breadcrumbs


black ground pepper

the Omelette: 2 eggs

1,5 items of l. Milk

2,5 items of l. A butter

salt,   pepper

2 recipe) Сиченики with a stuffing from a potato. to Pass meat through a meat grinder with internal fat, an onions, roll pulp. To add a yolk, it is a little water, to pepper, salt and it is good вымешать. To boil a potato in salty water, to clear and wipe through a colander. The prepared mincemeat to spread out as корж, in the middle to put a potato mixed with grated carrots and, having connected edges коржа to shift it on a frying pan in boiling oil. To fry on big fire, not covering. In the end жарения сиченик to strew a flour and to add sour cream. With a buckwheat cereal welded with fresh fat on water, сиченик prepares as.

400г pork

100г internal fat

1 bulb

1 egg

100г roll pulp

200г a potato

100г carrots

15г torments

100г sour creams

salt, ground pepper

3 recipe) Meat crush, connect to the fried eggs slightly roasted with an onions, salt and pepper, well knead, form in a kind биточков, moisten in egg, панируют in crackers and fry to readiness. Submit with mashed potatoes or other garnish.

beef 150г

egg 1 pieces

onions napiform 30г

crackers 10г

fat 10г

pepper, salt

«you actually are rich, is simple while about it do not know»

© Female magazine "Charm" 2004-2010

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On СТС страртует new ситком


«the Room question» under the art remark булгаковского Voland «has spoilt Muscovites»

. Confirm it and recent interrogations ВЦИОМ. It appears, nine millions Muscovites from twelve, living in capital, are dissatisfied with the living conditions and wish to change a situation to the best. Besides, under given соцопросов, the habitation 2/3 inhabitants of the country are dissatisfied. Certainly, problems of similar character arise in many countries, but in our country, apparently, it has reached a critical point.

as if having a presentiment of it, channel STS has started new ситком, narrating about a young family which lives with relatives in one apartment, and worries various funny situations. The picture such, apparently, is familiar almost to each Russian. For this reason management СТС does the rate on a serial «Воронины» and does not doubt its success. In leading roles – Ekaterina Volkova familiar to spectators under projects «Who in the house the owner», «the Crazy angel» and George Dronov, so grown fond to us Саша from a serial «Саша+Маша».

In situations in which there are protagonists, sometimes ridiculous, sometimes serious, everyone for certain learns itself(himself).


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понедельник, 10 января 2011 г.


egg masks 1. Shaken up together a yolk and fiber to put on a face skin and the necks preliminary greased with vegetable oil, in three steps, in process of drying. To wash off a mask at first warm, then cold water.

2. An egg yolk it is good to pound, add 1 table spoon of cream.

3. 1 yolk to pound about 1/2 teaspoons of vegetable oil.

4. 1 yolk to pound with 2 table spoons of sour cream, to add 1 teaspoon of carrot juice. It is intended for a dry, normal and growing old skin.

5. An egg yolk to pound with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 table spoon of vegetable oil. It is possible to add some drops of a lemon juice.

6. To pound a yolk, to add on a knife tip a grated lemon or orange peel, to mix and allow to stand half an hour in the closed ware. To add 2-3 drops of a lemon juice and 1 table spoon of vegetable oil.

7. To pound a yolk about 1/4 teaspoons of honey, to add 1/2 teaspoons овсяной torments.

8. To pound a yolk with 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of fruit juice (apple or grape) and 2 teaspoons of honey or a nutritious cream, adding them gradually and alternately.

9. In the pounded egg yolk to add 1 teaspoon of berry, fruit or vegetable juice (a raspberry, a strawberry, a water-melon, cucumbers, grapes, etc.) 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of sour cream. For density it is possible to add a barley flour, black bread.

10. 3 teaspoons of a yolk to mix with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and 1/2 teaspoons of the concentrated salty water, adding them gradually and alternately. Received to mix with 1 teaspoon of a nutritious cream.

11. 1 yolk to pound with 1 table spoon of honey and 1 table spoon of vegetable oil, to add 1 teaspoon of cognac.

12. In the pounded egg yolk to add 1 teaspoon of any juice of fresh berries, fruit, vegetables (a raspberry, a strawberry, grapes, apples, plums, a water-melon, cucumbers, vegetable marrows, tomatoes).

Coty Prestige represents the limited version of aroma Vera Wang Flower Princess

© Female magazine "Charm" 2004-2010

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The Smell of the woman


As soon as women exercise the wit to hide the age.

And a cream antiage, and plastic surgeries, but … on a smell of the woman it is possible to define its age. According to conclusions of scientists, the the person, the more than chemical substances ноненалов which are formed as a result of disintegration of fat acids in a skin is more senior, starts to develop a body. These substances possess a specific smell which gives out true age I will give. At women level ноненалов in an organism in 2 times above, than at 20-30-летних is more senior 40 years.

And here the American scientists from University Ratdzhersa have proved, that the man can subconsciously define age of the woman on its perfume. Have carried out research with participation of 15 men at the age from 20 till 60 years. They were offered to define, what smells most of all approach women of different age. A fragrant number was such: vanilla, a lavender, a rose, fruit smells (apple) and vegetable (broccolis). It has by results appeared, that almost all men have correlated a smell of a rose with the elderly woman, and here fruit notes at them associated with young girls. By the way, these researches have something in common with the conclusions of scientists made still in 2005. It has been proved, that the grapefruit smell is capable to rejuvenate the woman in the opinion of the man for some years.


Is more younger we look - more chances to live to a ripe old age


the Danish British scientists have come to conclusion, that the people, looking is more younger the years, lives longer the coevals.

Scientists have carried out researches and have compared 387 steams разнояйцевых twins. Researchers asked teachers, sports trainers, nurses or simply to guess coevals age of twins on photos. Also it was found out, that those who on a photo looked young, usually lived longer the brothers and sisters. All business has appeared in теломерах – key fragments of DNA which are responsible for ability of cages to a reconstruction and also define on how many youngly their owner looks. It is considered, that short теломеры specify in faster ageing. At the twins participating in experiment, long теломеры were at those who looked younger. All photos of twins have been made, when 90 years were it till 70-80 or even. In a current of 7 years upon termination of experiment scientists have found out, that the the big age difference gave to twins, the reliability was more probable, that the first that twin who looked will die is more senior. British professor Tim Spektor, also carried out own research близняшек and results have appeared similar. As he said, probably has great value a combination of hereditary factors and environment in which the person is throughout all life. In its opinion, doctors it is necessary to give more attention to appearance of the patients.

Has withdrawn the man at mother

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Патрисия Каас loves Russian

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Eutrophy since the childhood


Experts of Institute of age physiology of the Russian Academy of education have carried out the research, the captured 35 000 schoolboys.

It has appeared, that at schools it is impossible to name catering services safe. Meat and fish products daily use only 55 % of schoolboys, dairy products and eggs are present at a daily diet at 75 % of schoolboys.

Meanwhile, meat and fish dishes, being the basic source of animal protein, provide an organism with "a building material» for formation, growth and development of cages and fabrics. Dairy products and eggs also are capable to satisfy requirement of a growing organism for fibers (amino acids). The lack of fiber of children's and teenage age can become the reason of serious functional infringements, cause failures in organism work.

Vegetables consume daily 46 % of schoolboys. Fruit and juice are present at a daily diet only at 30 % of schoolboys.

Vegetables and fruit provide an organism with microcells, vitamins and carbohydrates. The lack of these substances can lead to decrease in level of immune protection of an organism, and, as consequence, increase of frequency of disease.

Third of first-graders 3 times a day accept food, about 3 % of first-graders once a day eats. About 30 % of first-graders and 50 % of ninth-graders eat when will want.

One of conditions of the organisation of a balanced diet is the regularity. The optimum diet of the schoolboy assumes 4-5 multiple food intake within day. Reduction of frequency of food intake or unsystematic character, disorder of a food is additional loading for an organism, that usually negatively affects as work of a gastroenteric path, and other systems of an organism.

More than 5 % of first-graders and 10 % of ninth-graders have not breakfast in the morning.

The breakfast is an important component of a daily food allowance. It gives to an organism necessary energy to start day. Regular refusal of a breakfast can become the reason of development of high fatigue at the child, to attention decrease Is etc. established, that children who have breakfast in the morning, do at school of less errors, in comparison with those who has not breakfast.

The decision of a problem of a food of children has complex character. One of the important problems on a way of the decision of this problem is formation at children and teenagers of culture of eutrophy. Useful habits and the skills acquired in the childhood, will help to keep health in the future.

Educational program for children and teenagers «Conversation on eutrophy» offers effective model of the organisation of work on formation of bases of eutrophy and a healthy way of life. The program has been created at the initiative of the company «Нестле Russia» in 1999. During nine-year work the program has proved the efficiency: teachers and parents unanimously assert, that the program helps strengthening of health of children.