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воскресенье, 16 января 2011 г.

The Healthy way of life conducts to genetic changes

© Female magazine "Charm" 2004-2010

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суббота, 15 января 2011 г.

Is better to have a rest in March

© Female magazine "Charm" 2004-2010

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the Materials placed in section "the Love and sex" are not recommended for viewing to the persons who have not reached 18 years.

Vlad Topalov has decided to marry

© Female magazine "Charm" 2004-2010

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the Materials placed in section "the Love and sex" are not recommended for viewing to the persons who have not reached 18 years.

Dmitry Gluhovsky about foreign languages and girls


Dmitry Gluhovsky - the young and perspective writer who has had time to learn five foreign languages to travel all globe, and since recent time and becomes leaders of the program «Fantastic breakfast» on Internet channel PostTV.

- Dmitry, you know five foreign languages. How have learnt them?

- Me have given to the French special school, then since twelve years I learnt English. Hardly has gone later to study to Israel and there has mastered a Hebrew. In some years has got over to Germany, therefore it was necessary to understand with German. Well and then I worked in France on television channel EuroNews where also has had time to learn and Spanish. Many of my colleagues on EuroNews have been convinced, that I the spy because other explanations to that Russian speaks in six languages, they did not see.

- If you had time to visit in стольких the countries, tell to us in that case where there live the most beautiful girls?

- I in general gravitate to a southern type - burning brunettes to me more close platinum blondes. Therefore, probably, in my opinion, beauties live in Italy. Israelis too are very beautiful: fragile, fine-moulded, with eyes huge, as at fallow deer. But to compatriots to search happiness abroad I did not advise - by all other criteria our girls are pulled out on three steps forward. And by the way, in bed for any basic distinctions to wait it is not necessary - unless whisper on an ear there in French (smiles).

- You conduct the program «Fantastic breakfast» on Internet channel PostTV. To whom has the idea of creation of this project come to mind?

- The idea of the program belongs to Vasily Brovko whom «Apostle Media of Groups» and television channel PostTV is the general director. The concept was pleasant to me, and as a result the popular and informative program with leading scientists and experts from different areas has turned out: from design to bacteriology and from cookery to architecture. It is interesting to me to communicate with people who feel confidence of the today, much have achieved yesterday and know, that we should expect from tomorrow.

- Dmitry, you simultaneously are the writer conducting, also worked on radio. Can tell, what, all the same, to you is closer?

- Probably, books and to some extent cinema.

- Well and at last tell to us, the status of the known writer helps with dialogue with girls?

- At first you get acquainted with the girl, then to it something tell, fascinate, and when she has read your book, it already has a sensation as if she knows you. If the book was pleasant to it, the girl has already created a romantic image and at acquaintance looks at you the obscured look. The glory, of course, very much helps with this business. But I have a suspicion, that everything, that men do, they do to become successful at women as without you, my dear, neither the glory, nor money in itself have no value (smiles).

At Natasha Korolevoj a holiday

© Female magazine "Charm" 2004-2010

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the Materials placed in section "the Love and sex" are not recommended for viewing to the persons who have not reached 18 years.

Results of a master class of a list of a fabric. Gentle patterns on a thin batic


In Kolomna there has passed a master class for children with the limited possibilities. Together with the teacher children mastered uneasy skill of a list of a fabric. The turned out pictures - the future gifts for mums.

Glory Власов of a brush in hands took for the first time. Admits, it was difficult, but it is interesting. When on a silk fabric the first picture began to appear, Glory has resolved - he will present to her mother. GLORY ВЛАСОВ: "Yes, I think, that it is pleasant to mum".

Glory and other children from the rehabilitation centre, the artist Irina Zolotuhina (www. batik-elit. narod. ru), has acquainted with one of kinds of a manual list on a fabric - a batic. Known since ancient times, this art was considered sacred and was used for manufacturing оберегов. To represent on the talismans young creators have solved flowers and butterflies.

НАСТЯ ПЕХОВА: "Even, when on it you will look at once becomes more cheerful".

For the artist, as well as for children, all was for the first time. For the first time spent a master class for children, for the first time it was convinced, children are much more capable adults.

IRINA ЗОЛОТУХИНА, the ARTIST: "When with children you work, they somehow in another way perceive, with them it is easier and more interesting, other energy, is more than openness".

Some times in a month the Kolomna centre of rehabilitation for children is led by excursions and master classes. Last time children went in Приокско - Terrasky reserve, got acquainted with bisons. Teachers help to find new friends and to arrive in educational institutions. But the main problem - the further employment. Near to a city only one enterprise, ready to take on service of the person with the limited possibilities.

Natalia PETROV, ПРЕПОДОВАТЕЛЬ In the KOLOMNA CITY CENTER of REHABILITATION of INVALIDS, Kolomna: "Are arranged on the enterprise or take work on the house that is very convenient, there are children with diseases which do not allow to be in one place long..."

After a master class many children have decided to be engaged in a list seriously. Bright paints have helped to create the light and kind world in which they can embody all dreams and imaginations.

Maria Revina, Kolomna, Moscow suburbs news.

Black tea rescues from a diabetes

© Female magazine "Charm" 2004-2010

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